The budgerigar is an excellent choice of a pet for keeping it in an apartment. He does not require a lot of space and any special conditions for keeping and gets along well with the owners, including children, who, undoubtedly, will also be very happy with such an exotic feathered pet.

Parrot appearance

The budgerigar is a small but very bright and beautiful bird. In length, it can be from 17 to 20 centimeters, and weighs only 40-45 grams. Usually they have a herbaceous green or green-yellow color, but by the method of selection, blue and bright yellow parrots are often bred. They usually have a very long tail and well-developed wings, about ten centimeters in length.
They have a very friendly character, living in pairs, they are sociable and noisy. Lonely birds are calmer. Parrots can easily live in a cage, although being too tight will certainly not do them any good.
The habitat of budgerigars is Australia and adjacent islands. Aboriginal people call them bedgerigas, which means “fit for food”.
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The cage with a parrot should be located in a warm, lighted place, in no case in a draft - these birds are very susceptible to hypothermia and colds. The cage should be cleaned every day if possible, the water in the drinker should be changed, and fresh food should be added. To prevent your pet from being bored in it, you can place various perches, mirrors, and other toys there, which, like the cage itself, can be bought at any pet store.
This is necessary so that the pet does not get bored in your absence, but can safely spend time alone. And do not forget to let him fly around the apartment as often as possible, but turn off and hide all household appliances at the same time, remove all objects potentially dangerous to the bird and food not intended for the parrot to ensure its complete safety. Also, once a week, the parrot should be bathed.
He should eat as varied as possible - special cereal mixtures with the optimal amount of nutrients and vitamins are sold for parrots. You can also add some fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouted cereals to his diet. For mineral feeding, special stones should be used.
Budgerigars were first described in the book Naturists Miscellany by British naturalist George Shaw in 1805.
In no case should you feed the parrots what you yourself or your other pets eat - this can seriously harm him. In case your parrot looks lethargic and sick, contact your veterinarian immediately.
And, most importantly, communicate with him, show affection and care. Then your pet will always be happy and will also begin to show signs of affection and love to you.