Cesar Dog Food: Advantages And Nuances Of Choice

Cesar Dog Food: Advantages And Nuances Of Choice
Cesar Dog Food: Advantages And Nuances Of Choice

The Cesar brand, specializing in the production of food for small breed dogs, belongs to the largest American food concern Mars. Since 1935, this concern began producing food for pets, now under its auspices such brands as: Kitekat, Chappi, Pedigree, Whiskas, RoyalCanin, etc. are produced, they are known to almost everyone who has cats or dogs at home.

Cesar dog food: advantages and nuances of choice
Cesar dog food: advantages and nuances of choice

Features of Cesar brand feed

Small dog breeds are predominantly decorative. They, as a rule, do not differ in special appetite. Therefore, the producers decided that their owners would be able to afford to purchase feed of this brand, which belongs to the super-premium class. Wet and canned food Caesar can not be called cheap, but given the fact that the portions eaten by dogs of small breeds are small, from time to time everyone can pamper their pet.

The composition of these feeds does not include bone meal and offal, as in most democratic brands, but natural meat or chicken, cheese, a variety of vegetables necessary for growth and proper development, vitamins and minerals, vegetable oil, and herbs. Small packages of wet food and canned food are designed for a single serving for a dog weighing no more than 3 kg, but if your pet's weight is more, you can calculate the required amount of additive, following the instructions on the package.

The menu that the Cesar trademark offers to kids can cause envy even among the owner of the dog. There is also chicken baked with dried apricots, beef stroganoff with pieces of cheese and spicy dill; vegetables with rosemary and lamb fricasse; chicken fillet with spinach and stewed pumpkin; veal pate with mixed vegetables; beef or lamb with vegetables.

Which Cesar brand to choose from

Of course, such canned food, consisting of pieces of natural meat with various useful and tasty additives, should not be given to the dog at every meal. Dog handlers advise using them together with dry food of this brand, which, of course, will increase their attractiveness to animals and will soften the granules. Canned food can also be added to cereals or boiled vegetables. Choose the type of meat that your dog prefers, and you can provide it with a good appetite without any problems. But remember that canned food should only be given occasionally or on the go.

Caesar food can be given to both puppies and adult dogs, but for aging dogs over 10 years old, you must choose a special food of this brand. It contains easily digestible ingredients, as well as organic selenium and fatty acids that inhibit the aging process. The peculiarity of this food is the increased content of vitamins, proteins and amino acids, which facilitate the digestion process and increase the dog's immunity.
