Labradors were bred as a hunting breed. However, at the present stage, dogs have become family. They are cheerful, friendly and intelligent. Get along well with children. But the dogs of this breed have not only positive qualities. When purchasing a dog, you need to learn about the negative traits.

The Labrador is a very popular breed. Dogs are often bought by family people. Such pets attract attention not only for their beautiful appearance, but also for their cheerfulness. However, before buying a puppy, you should familiarize yourself with the merits and demerits of the breed.
Advantages of the Labrador
- With all its appearance, the dog radiates optimism, kindness. Sometimes there is a feeling that she is smiling even in her sleep. Labrador is distinguished not only by its beautiful appearance, but also by its intelligence. For many breeders, this breed is a favorite.
- Labrador Retrievers do not need careful grooming. You don't have to trim your dog every month. It is enough just to comb the coat once a week. Especially after walking in the woods.
- The Labrador is a family dog. She treats children with love and angelic calmness. The pet will be happy to take part in any children's fun.
- Labrador is unpretentious in food. There is no need to buy some very expensive and unique feed.
- Labrador retrievers are easy to train. The pet quickly learns commands. Dogs of this breed are very obedient. They will not be stubborn and arrange checks for their owner.
- The Labrador is capable of becoming the best friend for its owner.
Disadvantages of a Labrador retriever
- The dog is completely devoid of aggression. Therefore, she will not make a security guard. Labrador treats everyone with love.
- The Labrador is a dog that needs to be active. You have to walk with her a lot and often. Otherwise, the pet will destroy the apartment.
- A Labrador retriever must be trained from an early age. Otherwise, he will be completely uncontrollable.
- The Labrador does not tolerate loneliness. It is better not to leave him alone in the apartment for a long time. He will either ruin all the furniture, or he will bring the neighbors by barking.
- The Labrador is not a long-liver. Lives on average for 13 years. In addition, he may have hereditary health problems. Most often, owners complain of joint diseases. Because of this, it is necessary to monitor the dog's diet and prevent excess weight gain.
- Labradors shed very hard. Therefore, there will always be a lot of wool in the apartment.
- Labradors are very large. Therefore, it is better to refuse such a pet if only a tiny studio is available.
Interesting Facts
- Labrador has nothing to do with the island of the same name. The breed was bred in Newfoundland.
- The breed could die. There was a tax on dogs on the island. And for the bitches it was necessary to pay more. Therefore, breeders tried to get rid of female dogs. Because of this, the breed could completely disappear.
- There is a criminal among the Labradors. In 1900, a dog bitten a cat that belonged to the governor's wife. The woman decided to take revenge on the dog and put him in prison, where the Labrador died 10 years later.
- And in another town, the Labrador became an "honorary mayor." This event took place in a village called Sunol.
- The Labrador is the only dog that has membranes on its paws.
- The Labrador is a glutton. The dog can eat anything. Able even on the street to pick up food from the road. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the nutrition of the dog.
Labradors are the happiest dogs. They are always smiling. The pet is very attached to its owner and longs when left alone. He may even be depressed if you do not pay attention to him for a long time.
These gorgeous dogs must be loved. Then they will give you their love a hundredfold.