A distinctive feature of Persian cats is a snub nose. At the same time, two types of Persians are distinguished - extreme and classic. The first one is bred mainly in the States, the nose of such cats is small and upturned. Representatives of the second type have a longer nose, and cats of the classical type are bred in Europe.

In the early 1970s, many catteries appeared in the United States where Persian cats were bred, which is why this breed has undergone changes not for the better. A lot of fluffy mules with breeding shortcomings were sold to Europe, and it took the Europeans years to develop a cat that meets the standards of the breed without health problems. Persian cats were brought to the Soviet Union by diplomats in the 1980s, and Persians were rare then. In the early 1990s, representatives of this breed began to spread throughout the country, but they were still an expensive pleasure.
Persian cats have a stocky body of medium size, a powerful chest, massive shoulders. Persians weigh up to 7 kilograms. Their legs are short and muscular, with tufts of hair between the toes. The tail is short and fluffy, rounded at the tip. The head of Persian cats is round, the skull is wide, the forehead is convex, the cheeks are puffy, the jaws are wide and quite powerful. The nose is wide, snub-nosed, the eyes are large, round, set wide apart. Persian eyes are dark orange, copper, green or blue.
Wool and color
The coat of the Persian breed is long, thick, the hairs are thin, there is an undercoat. A fluffy collar on the neck, chest and shoulders. The color of the Persians can be almost any - there are more than a hundred shades. The main disadvantage of such a long coat is that it must be constantly combed. After washing, the pet should be dried with a hair dryer, because the hair of the Persians dries for a very long time.
Persians are cats that cannot live outside the home. They are affectionate, trusting, prefer to choose one master for themselves, to whom they are strongly attached. The Persians are calm, almost do not meow, if they need to ask for something, they will sit near the owner and stare into his face. Persian cats are not afraid of children. They seem to be clumsy in appearance, but in fact the Persians are quite mobile, although they like to lie somewhere on the sofa for a long time.