Russian Toy Terrier: Character And Characteristics Of The Breed

Russian Toy Terrier: Character And Characteristics Of The Breed
Russian Toy Terrier: Character And Characteristics Of The Breed

The Russian Toy is a decorative breed of dogs bred in Moscow in the 50s of the last century. Relatively recently, it was conditionally recognized by the international canine federation FCI. Final recognition is due in 2016. It should be noted that the common name "Russian Toy Terrier" is outdated - in the ICF classification the breed is listed as Russian or Russkiy Toy.

Russian toy terrier: character and characteristics of the breed
Russian toy terrier: character and characteristics of the breed

Breed standards and features

There are two varieties of Russian Toy - long-haired and smooth-haired. Both are united by a common standard: thin bones, deep chest, high straight limbs, long dry neck, wide convex skull with weak brow ridges, clearly defined transition from forehead to muzzle, erect ears, scissor bite, large round eyes set wide apart. The tail of the Russian Toy is almost always docked up to two vertebrae.

Smooth-haired dogs have dry and thin skin with a shiny, tight-fitting coat. Long-haired ones boast a kind of "fringe" that adorns the ears, the wool reaches a length of three to five centimeters.

The following colors are allowed by the standard: bright red, red and black, red and brown, brown and tan, blue and tan. The weight of an adult toy should not exceed three kilograms. Moreover, the height at the withers can vary from twenty to twenty-eight centimeters.

The most common defects are malocclusion, non-standing or semi-erect ears, receding hairline in short-haired toys, dark tan marks. Disqualifying faults are such as white color, cowardice, aggressiveness, an abundance of large white markings, a height at the withers of more than thirty centimeters, undershot or overshot and, of course, hanging ears.

The character of the Russian Toy

If we talk about the character of Russian toys, then the first thing that attracts attention is the fact of their renaming. FCI dropped the word "terrier" and classified the toychiks to the 9th group, "Decorative breeds", for the reason that these pretty creatures did not inherit from their ancestors - English terriers - not a bit of aggression.

The Russian Toy is an absolutely domestic dog and an ideal companion. At the same time, you cannot call him cowardly either. These dogs are extremely active, playful and cheerful. They have a mobile psyche and are easy to train.

As for the choice between females and males, preference is often given to the first, despite the overpriced: girls cost an average of 5-10 thousand rubles more than boys. It has been noticed that Russian Toy females learn faster and become attached to their owners. This, however, does not make males less in demand - they are just as loving and good-natured.

Finally, one of the most important advantages of the Russian Toy over other breeds is cleanliness. It is very easy to train them to use a tray or diaper. In addition, these dogs have little or no smell. Short-haired toys do not need to be cut or combed out, which makes their maintenance especially convenient.
