Tiny dogs with expressive eyes and lively disposition have firmly gained popularity among animal lovers. Unfortunately, any dogs sometimes get sick, and Chihuahuas are no exception, although in comparison with other decorative breeds, their health is somewhat better. Be attentive and ready to provide timely assistance to your pet.

Step 1
Chihuahuas can suffer from all diseases typical for dogs (distemper, helminthiasis, digestive disorders). They need vaccinations against infections, prevention of helminthic invasions. Since Chihuahuas are almost always kept in the house, they are less likely to suffer from parasites, however, the owner needs to be careful so that the pet is not bitten by a tick or fleas.

Step 2
Besides the common canine ailments, there are also Chihuahua-specific diseases. They are due to their small size, genetic defects that are often found in purebred dogs and even their character traits. The most common occurrences are early tooth loss, diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as inherited disorders of the knee joints (patelloluxation - displacement of the patella), which cannot be corrected. Patelloluxation does not seriously affect the quality of life of the animal, but your pet will no longer be allowed to participate in exhibitions. Chihuahuas are characterized by mobility, curiosity and courage, which often leads to injury and conflict with other dogs.

Step 3
If you find any of the symptoms in a Chihuahua, such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy or unusual aggressiveness, discharge from the nose, ears or eyes, you should contact your veterinarian. It is unacceptable to delay a visit to a doctor, since some diseases tend to develop quickly and imperceptibly. A visit to the veterinary clinic is mandatory if the dog tries to rub its back against the ground or scratches and licks under the tail - this may indicate inflammation of the anal glands, which often affects dogs living indoors. In this case, it is important to prevent injury and the development of an abscess. The doctor will clean the glands, experienced dog owners can do it themselves, but since the cleaning procedure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations for the animal, it should not start without proper experience.

Step 4
It is unacceptable to feed the dog with food from your table, in particular, smoked meats, fatty, spicy and salty foods are harmful to animals. Unfortunately, Chihuahua owners often spoil their pets, believing that treats will not harm a pet dog. Such an irrational diet leads to disorders of the digestive system, obesity, and as a result - diseases of the heart, liver, skin. Like many purebred dogs, Chihuahuas can suffer from allergies - in this case, only a veterinarian prescribes treatment.

Step 5
Due to the small size of the Chihuahua, it is easier for the owner to carry out many therapeutic manipulations, for example, to give injections and enemas, measure the temperature and make dressings. In any case, all these procedures should be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor, and if you are not very experienced in keeping dogs, then the veterinarian will show you how to properly handle a sick animal.