The plush baby you brought into the house suddenly turned out to be a biting monster with sharp claws? This often happens with kittens. Don't wait until it goes away by itself. It is better to take decisive action and gradually wean the kitten from biting and scratching.

Step 1
Even if the breed of your aggressor - Russian Blue, British Blue, Siamese or Persian - do not despair, despite the fact that usually representatives of these breeds do not have the most stable psyche.

Step 2
Remember: all kittens scratch and bite. For them, this is one of the ways of knowing the world. In addition, cats are predators by nature, and playing, a kitten, simply works out the rules of behavior with a prey.

Step 3
Don't pet your cat at any time. Cats do not like the manifestations of familiarity towards them, so they release their claws.

Step 4
If the cat is sick or injured, do not even try to pet him in order to regret it. If the purr looks completely healthy, but still strives to slash with its claws when you touch any part of his body, take him to the veterinarian to check if the pet has fallen ill.

Step 5
Find out if stray cats live in your yard. Your pet, just yesterday so affectionate, may simply get scared if it sees or smells "strangers", and will take out all the previously unknown aggression on you. If possible, close his access to the window and buy a special spray with a "friendly" smell from the veterinary pharmacy.

Step 6
Think about what else your cat might be scared of. He may not like the smell of your eau de toilette or the noise of the renovation coming from the neighbors. Pay attention to the tip of the tail: if it twitches or even walks from side to side, the cat may at any moment rush at you, not with open arms.
Step 7
Play with the kitten often. Try not to bite you on the exposed parts of your arms or legs during games. Otherwise, he will subsequently perceive them as prey. If he snuggles up on your lap and, purring, quietly releases his claws, carefully tuck them back into the pads of the paws so that the cat, at first playing with claws with pleasure, does not subsequently release them without a reason.