Unfortunately, you can see stray dogs or cats on the streets. Out of pity, many begin to feed them or try to caress them. How can overly close contact with stray animals and birds threaten?

According to statistics, a person can acquire up to 50 different infectious diseases from a dog, of which the most dangerous is rabies. One of the most common ailments in stray cats is ringworm. Therefore, explain to the children that it is better not to touch the street cats and dogs - this is a dangerous undertaking. And not only for the child himself, but also for pets. A pet can also become infected through your hands.
If you liked a kitten or a puppy walking alone on the street and you decided to take him home, then first take him to the veterinary clinic, where he will be given the necessary vaccinations and cured, if necessary, from street diseases.
Move away quickly from animals that approach humans too fearlessly, such as squirrels and rats. It is likely that these animals are infected with rabies, in which their sense of self-preservation is dulled.
Surely, many are trying to feed squirrels in city parks. These animals do not make us feel threatened. But remember, squirrels can bite or scratch the person feeding them and at the same time infect him with rabies, tularemia.
Do not try to catch the pigeons that live on the streets. Particularly dangerous are those birds that let you get too close, for which coordination is disturbed and the feathers are ruffled. If you still need to catch a bird, put on a respirator, and after the procedure, thoroughly wash your hands and wash your clothes. Due to the fact that birds can infect humans with dangerous diseases, do not arrange feeders for them on your balcony, do not allow children to run through flocks of pigeons and feed them from your hand.