Unfortunately, sometimes pets disappear - they break off the leash, manage to jump out through the open door, and escape through the window. The main thing in such a situation is to react in time and take all measures to find the animal.

Step 1
Post missing animal notices in your area. It is good if the ad contains a photo of your pet, even better if it is in color. Indicate the breed of the animal, color, sex, nickname to which it responds, special signs, whether it was wearing a collar, and what color it was. Also indicate your contact phone number by which those who saw your loss will be able to contact you. They will spur people on to search for your pet and the words "The finder is entitled to a reward."

Step 2
Feel free to tell your neighbors and friends about your missing. People living in your area will help you by looking around in search of the escaped animal.

Step 3
Go outside several times a day to look for an animal on your own. Check all basements and attics with a flashlight. If you have a missing cat, be sure to inspect the pipes and beams under the ceiling - the frightened animal often hides there. Check if your animal is sitting under one of the cars parked near your house. Look closely at nearby trash bins and bushes.

Step 4
Tell the children playing in the yard about your loss. For a small reward, you will receive a group of detectives that will explore every nook and cranny on your street. Most likely, they will bring you several cats and dogs of various colors and ages, completely different from your lost animal, but if your pet is still roaming the area, children will find it.

Step 5
Check with nearby shops, factories, parking lots if an animal has recently been nailed to them. Cats are often left there to catch mice and dogs to guard the area.

Step 6
Advertise the missing animal in the local newspaper and regularly look through the column in which they publish information about the animals found, suddenly behind one of them you will find out that you are missing.