Some may think that a procedure such as weighing a cat is a tribute to simple curiosity. In fact, knowing your pet's weight is essential. First, it is necessary to calculate the rate of drugs and the necessary anthelmintic drugs. Secondly, knowing the exact weight, you can always determine the exact amount of feed that needs to be given to the animal. But how do you weigh a cat?

It is necessary
cat, scales, a huge supply of patience, a bag or a package
Step 1
The easiest and most affordable weighing method is to use a floor scale. Everything is very simple here. Step on the scale and first determine your own weight, then pick up your cat in your arms and step on the scale with him. The difference that will immediately be noticeable on the dial of your scales is the weight of the animal. Simple, fast and does not cause any unpleasant emotions in the cat.

Step 2
If your cat is still very young, the bathroom scale may simply not be able to support its weight. Therefore, here it is necessary to use other methods of determination. A small kitten can be easily weighed on a regular kitchen scale when it is sleepy and does not move a lot. Just put it in the weighing pan and quickly see the result. The only drawback of this method is that kittens that are too mobile and jumpy can push off the cup with their feet and turn it over with a big crash. Try to take measurements on kittens that have eaten and have plenty of them.

Step 3
If there are no floor scales in the house, the cat is an adult and it is imperative to weigh it, you can try using an ordinary balance wheel. Place the animal in a bag or cloth bag with handles and quickly weigh on the balance bar. The key word here is "fast". The fact is that cats are very sensitive to the moments when the owners try to shove them into any bags or bags and begin to scream heart-rendingly and get out of them very energetically. Quick bumps and bouncing of the cat in the bag may introduce some error in your measurements. There's nothing you can do about it.