How To Care For A German Shepherd

How To Care For A German Shepherd
How To Care For A German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a versatile dog breed that allows you to have it in any home. When you have a purebred puppy, you need to provide him with proper care: hygiene, walks, nutrition, training.

How to care for a German shepherd
How to care for a German shepherd

Caring for a shepherd dog is simple. Consistency in upbringing is a guarantee that the dog will follow your commands at first sight. This breed needs long walks, since constant physical activity is necessary for the full growth and development of the shepherd.

Walking and eating

Before the first walk, the puppy needs to do all the necessary vaccinations, only after which it can be taken outside. The first walks should not exceed 5 minutes, and from 3 months of age the puppy needs to walk for about half an hour, while walking about 1.5 km. This is required in order for the young body to develop growing muscles. With an adult dog, you need to walk 2 times a day for about 2-3 hours, while it needs to be released from the leash.

Balanced proper nutrition is the key to the successful growth and development of the puppy, so you need to make a feeding schedule. A two-month-old puppy needs to be fed 5 times a day, at 3 months a puppy needs four meals a day, and at 7 months he is recommended to eat two meals a day. Food should be rich in proteins, served warm, boiled. It is better to take metal dishes for food so that the dog does not get hurt. It is necessary that the puppy has 2 cups, one for food, the other for water. Water should be boiled or damp (room temperature), make sure that the shepherd does not drink water from puddles or other bodies of water while walking in order to avoid contracting infectious or invasive diseases.

Hair care

It is contraindicated to wash the German Shepherd often, this is done depending on its degree of pollution, the best option is 2-3 times a year. Shepherd's wool does not need additional care, frequent washing will make the wool dull and can completely ruin it. Wash your dog with a special shampoo, then dry thoroughly and dry away from drafts. Brushing the coat every day will remove dust and dirt and prevent tangles.

Ears and teeth care

Ears should be wiped every week with a dry cotton swab. If you notice redness or an unpleasant odor while brushing, contact your veterinarian immediately. To brush your teeth, a shepherd dog needs to purchase special bones with chlorophyll or fluoride.

Correct training

A pet should be taught in discipline from the age of one month: to show where his place is, what he is forbidden to do and who is in charge in the house. If the puppy does something that you don't like, you need to stop it right away, otherwise it can become a big problem in the future. The key to the correct upbringing of a dog is the fact of your unquestioning authority. If you can't handle raising your dog, contact a professional dog handler to help you.
