The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most adorable and beautiful dogs of our time. One of its advantages is the flowing silky coat that needs special care.

It is necessary
shampoo for dogs, balm for dogs, towel, hairdryer, anti-mats
Step 1
Before washing the dog, comb the coat, paying particular attention to the armpits and abdomen. If there are tangles, then they need to be moistened with water, oil or a special agent and disassembled. It is highly undesirable to disassemble dry mats.
Step 2
In order to prevent water from getting into your ears, you can put cotton wool in them in advance. When washing, it is convenient to put your hand on the dog's head and press the ears with your fingers.
Wet the wool with warm water, helping with your hand. Dog shampoos are concentrates and must be diluted with water. You can dilute the shampoo 3 to 1 in a separate bowl and beat the foam with a sponge. With the same sponge we apply the composition to the dog. Thoroughly lather the wool, including on the head, after having pinched the ears with your fingers.
Step 3
We wash off the shampoo with a shower and apply the balm. The balm can be applied in 2 ways. First, add a tablespoon of balm to a liter of water, insert a sprayer into the bottle and spray it on the dog, especially on the places where tangles form. In this case, you do not need to wash off the balm. The second method is to apply a concentrated balm to the coat, wrap the dog in a towel, let it stand for 15-30 minutes and rinse the balm off in the shower.
Step 4
Comb the hair according to the growth of the hair, while directing a stream of hot air from the hair dryer. You can dry your dog naturally, but then the coat will look sloppy.