Tips on how to calmly wash your cat in your home bath without scaring your pet. Knowing some of the tricks of this process, this can be done quickly and easily.

First you need to prepare - remove extra towels, hanging shelves, basins and other things from the bathroom that can help the pet get out of the bath and run away. It is also best to immediately open a special shampoo and prepare a cloth in which the animal will be wrapped after washing. It is best not to use ordinary soap, but a special product for bathing pets. It will keep your cat or cat's coat in perfect condition.
Now is the time to get some water in your bath. It must be at room temperature. Of course, sometimes you want to make it pleasantly bitter for your hands, but do not forget that such a liquid may seem like real boiling water to the delicate skin of a cat.
If the animal bathes in the bath for the first time, then you do not need to immerse it in pre-collected water, so as not to immediately frighten, but simply pour it out of the shower.
After the cat or cat is in the bathroom, it must be very thoroughly wetted. Only the ears and nose should be left dry. Water should not fall on these parts of the pet's body. Further, after beating a few drops of shampoo into foam in the palm of your hand, you need to thoroughly lather the animal, paying special attention to its paws. Apply the product in the abdominal area with careful movements so as not to hurt the pet.
Now is the time to wash off the foam. This is best done with a shower as well. It is necessary to wash off the chosen detergent from wool very long and thoroughly. It is important to remember that the shampoo that is not washed off in time will be licked off by the animal during the drying process. And this can be very dangerous for his health.
It remains only to lightly squeeze the cat's fur with your hands, and then wipe it with a towel and release. Let your pet sit near the battery or on your favorite bedding. The main thing is not to open a window or balcony in the near future, so that the animal does not catch a cold.