Why Does It Not Electrocute Birds Sitting On High-voltage Wires

Why Does It Not Electrocute Birds Sitting On High-voltage Wires
Why Does It Not Electrocute Birds Sitting On High-voltage Wires

Video: Why Does It Not Electrocute Birds Sitting On High-voltage Wires

Video: Why Does It Not Electrocute Birds Sitting On High-voltage Wires
Video: Why don't birds get electrocuted on power lines? 2025, January

Probably, every person paid attention to birds that sit quietly for themselves on high-voltage wires, which are definitely energized. And nothing special happens to them, they are alive and well. Why isn’t they electrocuted, because they are in direct contact with the wire?

birds on wires
birds on wires

It turns out that a simple physical law works here, which all people got acquainted with in physics lessons at school at one time, and after that they safely forgot.

Current always flows from a section of a conductor with a higher voltage to a section of a lower voltage, as water flows from a full reservoir (high pressure) to an empty reservoir (low pressure) in the case of communicating vessels.

Electric current simply cannot go through the body of the bird, because there is no voltage difference before and after the sitting bird, it has nowhere to flow. There is no electromotive force that causes the electric current.

The bird is not shocked only as long as it does not come into contact with any objects connected to earth or water. As soon as she touches the pole with her wing, grounding will occur, and the bird will be killed on the spot. Fortunately, this rarely happens.