Rabbits are very easily and quickly exposed to infectious diseases. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to save animals from death. Knowing the reason why the disease begins to progress, it is enough to simply prevent its spread.

Rabbits are cuddly and cute animals, incredibly kind and intelligent. They are, in principle, unpretentious in care, but some rules must be observed, otherwise it is possible to allow the occurrence of infectious diseases, which are transmitted between rabbits at lightning speed.
Possible reasons for the development of infectious diseases:
- dirty water, poor quality feed, poisonous grass (even in small doses);
- legumes, cabbage in large quantities, dirty fruits, vegetables, frozen grass, can cause indigestion;
- high humidity and draft can provoke the development of diseases such as rhinitis and pneumonia;
- if the cage flooring (made of metal mesh) is rarely changed, the pads on the paws of the animals may become inflamed.
The breed of lop-eared rabbits requires special attention. The weak point of these interesting animals is their ears, which must be regularly examined and cleaned. In order to preserve all the same ears, you need to trim the nails of the rabbits so that they do not have the opportunity to comb them.
Unfortunately, if an infectious disease is allowed, then it is possible to save animals in extremely rare cases. The disease develops very rapidly and covers the entire population. For prevention, it is necessary to vaccinate annually. Of course, such measures require additional financial investments, especially if you have a decent number of rabbits, but they are worth it. And looking after vigorous and healthy rabbits is much easier and more pleasant.