Why Do Cats Fall Out In The Dust

Why Do Cats Fall Out In The Dust
Why Do Cats Fall Out In The Dust

It is worth taking the cat to the country house, as he runs out onto the path and begins to wallow in the dust with such zeal, as if nothing could be more attractive in life. The question arises - why?

Why do cats fall out in the dust
Why do cats fall out in the dust

Captured by instincts

Cats - although domesticated creatures, are wild and indomitable. It is for this peculiar nature of theirs that people fell in love with these animals. And if your furry pet lives in a comfortable apartment, it does not mean at all that he has forgotten about his nature. Once free - at a summer cottage or previously unexplored staircase - a cat experiences many new sensations and, like never before, feels its animal instincts.

What makes your Matroskin roll in the dust, forgetting about everything? First of all, taking care of your own safety. The fact is that cats are guided by smells, and in an unfamiliar place where they face many dangers, it is better to take care that possible enemies do not smell you. Having collapsed in dust, the cat beats off its scent and seems to merge with the surrounding space - now it is much more difficult to detect it.

Medical procedures

Surely you paid attention to how carefully cats take care of their fur coat. These animals can lick and comb their fur literally from morning to night. If your pet is worried about itching or irritation, he will also try to get rid of it in the easiest, from his point of view, way - he will begin to wallow in the dust. There is nothing strange about this. The fact is that the main cause of this kind of discomfort is ticks or fleas. They pester domestic cats much less often than street cats, but no one is immune from this misfortune.

Cleaning the wool from parasites with dust is another primitive reflex. In exactly this way, almost all representatives of the animal world cleanse their skin, feathers and fur. Therefore, if you find that your cat regularly falls out in the dust, does it often, for a long time and literally grows sick with blissful ecstasy in the process, this is a reason to check it for ectoparasites. Fleas can be very small and invisible, but they can be quite unpleasant for your pet. In addition, they often carry other diseases.

Unbalanced diet

It also happens that your Murka begins to wallow in the dust in order to bring her fur coat into proper form, for example, to get rid of excess sebum. Dust here acts as a kind of powder or talcum powder. A perfectly healthy animal never has matted hair with pronounced fatty "icicles". And if the reason for the dusty baths is a violation of the quality of the wool, this is a reason to pay attention to the diet and adjust it. Your pet is obviously lacking in any nutrients or the diet is wrong.
