Hyperactivity is a serious mental illness, one of the manifestations of which is the unhealthy revitalization of the dog, the inability to sit in one place for a long time.

Many dogs, especially at puppyhood, love to be mischievous and poke their curious wet nose everywhere, ignoring the owners' comments.
In most cases, there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, a pet's energy usually indicates its good physical condition. Therefore, if your dog is active, do not get scared right away. If the dog's behavior seems abnormal, consult your veterinarian.
To distinguish the usual "recovery period" from hyperactivity, you need to know several symptoms inherent in this deviation:
• The dog is in constant tension, even in the absence of certain stimuli;
• Increased heart rate and respiration, increased body temperature during rest and physical activity;
• Inability to concentrate attention on one activity or object for a long time;
• The dog quickly switches to other activities without completing the previous one;
Naturally, these habits, even in combination, cannot guarantee susceptibility to hyperactivity. However, if you observe similar behavior with your pet, you should attach great importance to this and seek help from specialists in animal psychology.
What if my dog is hyperactive?
Hyperactivity cannot be completely cured, but can be controlled with training. However, this is a very time-consuming process that takes a lot of nerves and time for both the owner and the dog itself. Remember that the disease is directly related to the psyche of the pet. Any abrupt changes in living conditions can negatively affect her.
Training should be started gradually. The introduction of commands into the dog's life can significantly contribute to the improvement of the pet's life. In order not to harm the dog even more, before starting upbringing, you need to contact a cynologist and a veterinarian.
If you treat the problem with responsibility and patience, you can make a loyal obedient friend out of a dog, despite his mental disability.