Nickname For A Male Dog: Which One To Choose

Nickname For A Male Dog: Which One To Choose
Nickname For A Male Dog: Which One To Choose

The choice of a nickname for a dog is an important and responsible matter. She should not receive her name at random - the nickname should be not only beautiful and harmonious. There are rules according to which this choice must be made.

Nickname for a male dog: which one to choose
Nickname for a male dog: which one to choose

Basic rules for choosing a nickname for a dog

A good dog name should be short, sonorous, and not very popular. This is necessary so that the dog can easily and quickly remember it, and the owner would not have to pronounce it for a long time, calling the dog. It is believed that the fastest dogs memorize nicknames in which there are sounds: "p", "b", "g", "h" and "d" or those that begin with the letters: "b", "d", " w "," p "," h ". It is undesirable for a nickname to begin with a vowel or with consonants such as "w", "u", "x" or "s". Best of all, dogs remember their nicknames, which begin with the sounds: "j", "gr". If you buy a purebred dog, you will have to name it by the serial letter of this litter - this is a single requirement. The names given to puppies from the kennel, in addition, consist of several words, which makes such a nickname inconvenient for pronunciation. But it is enough to enter this nickname in the documents, and for the dog "for daily use" come up with the one that you deem more suitable.

It's good if the nickname suggests the presence of diminutive-affectionate options, the loving owner definitely cannot do without them. According to the tacitly existing rules, dogs are not called by the names of the people around them, it is also forbidden to give them the nicknames of their parents, as well as previous dogs, especially if their fate was unhappy. Foreign names can be used.

How to come up with a nickname for a dog

Make the choice of a nickname taking into account the characteristics of the breed and the fact that the teddy bear, which your puppy seems to be today, will become quite a serious dog with a formidable character in six months. Calling a room-breed dog or a Klepoy Alabai as Thunder or Boss is not worth it. You can come up with a unique nickname for him, using the initial letters of your last name, first name and patronymic, you can even rearrange them for euphony. The nickname can also be made from the names of your family members.

Hunting and service dogs are often given nicknames by geographical names: Amur, Baikal, Ural, Don, etc. You can look through a dictionary of foreign words and choose a beautiful name for the dog in English or German. Dogs that were bred in China or Japan can find sonorous combinations in these languages. You can also use the nickname lists that are posted on dog sites dedicated to specific breeds. And try not to delay the choice of a nickname, it is advisable to come up with it even before the puppy appears in the house, so that from the very first hours of his appearance at your house he will already begin to get used to it.
