How To Train Your Dog To Obey

How To Train Your Dog To Obey
How To Train Your Dog To Obey

One of the important and difficult stages in raising a dog is to gain understanding and obedience from it. Unfortunately, not all owners approach this with all the necessary seriousness, which is why afterwards they themselves suffer, and sometimes even casual passers-by.

How to train your dog to obey
How to train your dog to obey

With insufficient upbringing, lack of training, a dog can grow up uncontrollable, incredibly aggressive and simply dangerous, therefore it is extremely important to approach the problem of puppy disobedience with great responsibility.

Firstly, do not forget that pets, even the smartest ones, do not understand human speech, therefore, when giving commands, one should pronounce short and simple, monosyllabic words.

Secondly, you need to control the dog not only verbally, but also through actions. It is important to be able to handle your pet and using a leash, while it is best to use a strong and braided one. When choosing a collar, it is worth stopping at a chain or "snatch" chain.

It will also be important to remember that the dog will not become obedient if the owner does not get respect from him in relation to himself. Therefore, you need to start educating her from a puppy's age, when undesirable behavior is perceived by a pet as a game, and not as a norm. It is much easier to nip a dog rebellion in the bud than to fight it when the animal has already grown and understood its position in the family. The family is perceived by the dog as a strict hierarchical system - a pack in which she already felt like a leader.

A good way to correct your pet's misbehavior is to distract and scare him a little. To do this, you can take a small jar and fill it with stones, and when the puppy starts to misbehave, you need to throw this impromptu "rattle" next to the pet, trying to get under his hind legs. A spray bottle with water - a bottle with a spray bottle - is also suitable as a "limiting" tool.

The classic and obligatory way to suppress unwanted canine behavior is command by voice. To educate or punish a pet, you should strictly and loudly say "fu!", While the tone should be growling.

Punishing a dog even a short time after its fault is a marker of the owner's misbehavior. The animal must understand exactly what it is guilty of and for what it is being scolded. Therefore, pet punishment should come at the moment when your dog begins to behave in an undesirable way. As soon as the puppy stops behaving badly, it is worth praising him - you can pet the pet or treat him with a treat.

So that neither now nor in the future there will be problems with the dog, it does not get out of control and does not behave in an undesirable way, it is necessary to immediately establish order in the hierarchical system. Show your four-legged friend who is the owner, the true "leader of the pack."
