What Should Be A Marble Dachshund

What Should Be A Marble Dachshund
What Should Be A Marble Dachshund

Dachshunds differ in color and are divided into three types. Monochrome dachshunds are red, fawn and reddish-fawn, two-colored - black and brown with fawn or reddish-brown markings. The third type of dachshund is tiger and marble. Such dachshunds look quite unusual.

What should be a marble dachshund
What should be a marble dachshund

What marble dachshunds look like

On a brown, black or red background, the dog has specks of beige or a lighter gray shade, which are scattered in a chaotic manner, but evenly. At the same time, the animal does not have large spots or the predominance of a light or dark shade.

The most expensive breeds include the black-marbled and coffee-marbled dachshund. A reddish shade is allowed, so all lovers of this color can buy a red-haired pet for themselves.

All varieties of dachshunds, including marbled dogs, are divided into varieties based on the type of their coat. Thus, long-haired, smooth-haired and wire-haired dachshunds are distinguished.


The marble dachshund has the same positive qualities as its other brethren. This is a very kind animal, often a dachshund puppy is bought in a house where a child has recently appeared. This breed gets along well with children. In addition, dachshunds are distinguished by fearlessness, cunning and independence - these features allow them to survive on the hunt.

Dachshund is a person, she does not tolerate physical punishment, the insult will be remembered by the pet for a long time. The most humane way to punish a dachshund is to stop playing with her, leave her in another room, but you shouldn't beat and swear at her loudly.

The Dachshund is rightfully called one of the smartest dogs, because in an adult dog, the intelligence level coincides with that of a child of four years old. The dachshund is good at distinguishing the intonation of the owner. Executing new commands is easy for the marble dachshund. She demonstrates the wonders of ingenuity in everyday matters, sometimes people catch themselves thinking that the marble pet could outwit them! And it is also a psychotherapist dog - it is able to give its owner exactly what he needs, even if he himself has not yet understood it.


According to the degree of maturation, the color of marbled dachshunds changes slightly: light shades become darker, their number changes, and the number of dark ones increases. The brighter the color of the puppy, the more correct it will be in adulthood. It is for the brightness and contrast that they usually choose when buying marble dachshund puppies.

Dwarf marbled dachshund

There is even a smaller copy of the standard tax. She is very popular among dog owners. And although their sizes are reduced, this variety of dogs managed to preserve all the features of the character and behavior of ordinary representatives - these are the same kind animals that will become a wonderful four-legged friend.
