It used to be in fashion huge dogs, which in size and weight often outstripped even their own owners. Today, dogs in apartments are more and more dwarf or medium-sized. You can safely let such a baby on your lap, let him climb into bed and sit near the table on a special chair. And even to the toilet on the street in bad weather, they can not be taken out, now such dogs calmly use the home litter box. But how can you accustom your baby to this miracle device?

It is necessary
Home kennel for dogs, tray, treats
Step 1
Learn to understand exactly when your puppy wants to go to the toilet. As soon as you notice the necessary changes in his behavior, immediately take the puppy to the litter box and wait. In general, the technology of training a dog to a litter box is very similar to the same technology for cats, only there are a few nuances. Firstly, puppies, unlike kittens, do not start scratching their paws on the floor if they are going to go to the toilet. It is for this reason that it is not always easy to understand when exactly to carry the baby to the tray. But don't be discouraged. Observe the puppy and very soon you will notice how his behavior changes if he wants to use the toilet. To make things easier for yourself, carry your baby to the potty immediately after waking up and immediately after eating.

Step 2
Limit the space where he can make puddles in the apartment. A closed kitchen or a collapsible aviary is very suitable for taming to a tray. Pet shops sell special modules for building small enclosures for dogs or other animals. Place the puppy in such an enclosure, allocating a separate place for it in the apartment. Install a food trough, a sleeping place and a tray in the same place. To make it easier for the baby to navigate, put pieces of paper or cloth with the smell of his urine in the tray. And then the technology is still the same - wait for the puppy to show anxiety, and put him on the tray.

Step 3
Use commands, rewards and punishments. When you put your baby on the tray, be sure to say: "Toilet" so that in the future this word will become a command for the dog. Do not forget to reward your puppy after he does his job in the litter box. Praise and give him something tasty. But if you notice that he pissing or pooping in another place, and you find him doing this, you need to express your dissatisfaction. Of course, you do not need to beat and shout loudly, but you can make an unpleasant sound or lightly, but it is offensive to click the puppy on the nose.