Features Of The Course Of Pregnancy In Dogs

Features Of The Course Of Pregnancy In Dogs
Features Of The Course Of Pregnancy In Dogs

Pregnancy in dogs occurs within five days of mating. This is the life span of sperm in the genital tract. If at this time the release of the egg (ovulation) occurs, then fertilization occurs.

Features of the course of pregnancy in dogs
Features of the course of pregnancy in dogs

On average, puppies are born for 63 days. This time period can be reduced to 56 or increased to 73 days. In any case, puppies born at this time are considered mature and viable. If the pregnancy lasts more than 73 days, the owner needs to see a doctor to examine his pet. It is possible that an operation will be needed.

Signs of pregnancy

Immediately after mating, it is difficult even for an experienced dog breeder to determine whether a bitch has become pregnant or not. The dog does not change its behavior, it eats as usual. After about 14 days, she may develop drowsiness, loss of appetite, and depressed mood. Mucous discharge may come out of the loop. During this period, do not force the dog to eat or move. Just make sure that clean water is available to her at all times.

From 30–35 days, the nipples swell. Ultrasound diagnostics or palpation can already show the presence of pregnancy. The belly of the expectant mother in the area of the ribs begins to increase. This is especially noticeable when the dog is sitting. The animal makes fewer movements, avoids heavy loads and sudden jumps.

From about 45 days, the belly begins to increase daily. It is already hard not to notice it even for an inexperienced owner. Puppies are probed through the abdominal wall. The animal rests more and more, eats well. It is better to feed the puppy bitch at this time in small portions and more often than usual.

50 days after conception, the expectant mother will have milk. She doesn't move much. From day 58, the dog begins to worry, arranges a nest. The puppies are already ready for birth.

Differences in gestation period in different dogs

In general, all the main points of pregnancy are similar. Small differences may be related to the dog's age or breed. For example, older animals need more care in the later stages of pregnancy. Their paws may swell, shortness of breath appears.

In small-breed dogs, behavioral reactions are more pronounced during puberty, since their nervous system is more fragile. If the animal gives birth for the first time, then signs of puberty will appear later than in those who have given birth. Milk in a primiparous dog also appears only on the day of childbirth or the day before.

All other features of the course of pregnancy are the same. A healthy dog does not bring unnecessary anxiety to its owners and 2 months after mating gives birth to healthy offspring.
