Which Dogs Are Best For Harnessing

Which Dogs Are Best For Harnessing
Which Dogs Are Best For Harnessing

In the harsh northern conditions, the dog for local peoples was not only a guard and a full participant in the hunt, but was also used as a vehicle. With the help of light dog sleds, goods and belongings were transported, new pastures were developed. Individual breeds of sled dogs have been bred in the vast, but closed northern territories.

Which dogs are best for harnessing
Which dogs are best for harnessing


Almost all subspecies of huskies are not only excellent hunters, but also work well as sled dogs, the ability to interact with other companions in a team is innate. But it is especially possible to single out the Samoyed Laika, which is distinguished by its endurance, unpretentiousness in food and adaptability to any, even the most extreme conditions. Samoyeds easily endure both frost and heat. These dogs are able to move a load without visible effort, one and a half times their own weight. They are distinguished by an even calm character, the ability to keep a distance and a rare complaisance.


This breed was bred as a sled in Chukotka and can be unmistakably identified by its sky-blue eyes. They are distinguished by their endurance, since their metabolism allows the huskies to be in working order and move loads, without food for a long time. Therefore, on sledges harnessed by these dogs, the Chukchi managed to overcome great distances without wasting time on parking and rest. Like all sled dogs, huskies are distinguished by intelligence, fearlessness and poise. Since the breed was originally intended to be kept in a team, a husky who lives in an apartment will be very bored without the company of his own kind. But at the same time, the breed is very disposed towards people, especially towards children. Huskies are silent - only sometimes they can howl, and their fur does not smell at all.

Less Common Sled Dog Breeds

On the territory of Russia, you can rarely find the rest, less popular representatives of other breeds of sled dogs, which include the Alaskan Malamute, Norwegian Mestizo and Wolfdog. The first breed is distinguished by its larger growth, in comparison with huskies and huskies, and an independent character. Malamutes were bred as dogs with the ability to make decisions on their own, which was an absolute must in the dangerous conditions of the Far North. Therefore, the upbringing of the Malamute should begin from a very early age, so that it does not intercept the position of the leader in the family from the owner.

Norwegian mestizos were originally bred to participate in sports competitions - dog sled racing. They are not similar to the representatives of the breeds listed above, since they were obtained as a result of crossing of Scandinavian Greyhounds and German sporting shorthairs. Subsequently, to improve the character, the blood of Italian pointers was also added. Now the Norwegian mestizos are used in single skier races, bike and skiing.

Volkosob is a new breed of sled dogs, bred quite recently. This is the result of interspecies crossing of a she-wolf and a German shepherd. Having received the appearance of a wolf, these dogs inherited their character from shepherd dogs. Also used in sports racing.
