How To Transplant Fish

How To Transplant Fish
How To Transplant Fish

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When buying new fish or a new aquarium, their owner is often faced with the question of how to properly transplant the fish so that they do not experience shock and painlessly survive acclimatization in a new place for them. Experienced aquarists have many secrets, such as quarantine aquarium, turning off the lights, gradual water changes.

How to transplant fish
How to transplant fish

It is necessary

  • - landing net;
  • - a quarantine aquarium with lighting and aerator.


Step 1

Do not rush to immediately throw the fish brought from the store into the aquarium, this can be a shock, since they are used to the temperature, hardness, acidity and composition of the water in which they are located. First, rinse the bag under water and put it in the water without opening it - let it float for 30-40 minutes, and the temperature of the water in the containers will equal.

Step 2

Then gradually pour the water from the aquarium into the bag, pouring the store water into the sink. Within half an hour, bring the composition of the liquid in the package to the following: 1/3 store water and 2/3 aquarium water. Then take out the fish with a net and lower it to the aquarium, while a minimum of unnecessary liquid gets into it. If you suspect that the fish in the store was kept in clean water, it is better to continue changing the water until the container contains 2 volumes of the same water that the fish originally had.

Step 3

If you already have other fish in your pond, use a quarantine aquarium. It can be an ordinary 3-5 liter glass jar, equipped with the necessary equipment. Such precautions are needed in order to protect living creatures from infection. Even if the fish looked great when they were bought, they could bring disease-causing microbes on them. Already after 1-2 weeks they can be planted with the rest of the inhabitants.

Step 4

When transferring newcomers to a densely populated body of water, try turning off the lights. In this case, they will pay less attention to them, and new fish will feel less helpless. You can also try to distract the animals with food.

Step 5

To transfer fish from one aquarium to another, for example, a larger one, prepare all the conditions in advance. Pour water, settled at least 48 hours, pour 3-5 cm of washed gravel on the bottom, plant the plants, lay out the decorations. You should wait until the water becomes cloudy, and then its enlightenment, and only then start the fish. The aquarium must stand in an absolutely ready state, with the lights on and the aeration system on, for 2-7 days, until the animals enter it. It is good if there is an opportunity to pour into it as much water as possible from the previous aquarium.

Step 6

Start replanting fish in batches of 1-3, starting with the smallest. The interval between batches should be 1 to 2 weeks. The larger the tank, the larger the size of each batch can be.
