The Most Beautiful Butterflies In The World

The Most Beautiful Butterflies In The World
The Most Beautiful Butterflies In The World

If we speak the language of zoologists, then the squad of lepidopteran animals is inferior to beetles in numbers, but several times surpasses them in their beauty! The fact is that representatives of this order are the most beautiful insects in the world - butterflies. These graceful and bright creatures have inhabited, perhaps, all the continents of the planet, except for Antarctica.

The Atlas butterfly is the largest butterfly in the world
The Atlas butterfly is the largest butterfly in the world

Peacock eye

breeding butterflies
breeding butterflies

These butterflies are widespread throughout Russia. They differ from their relatives by the unique color of the wings. Their outer side is decorated with a pattern that maximally resembles the eye of a peacock bird. This "eye" surrounds a cherry brown background. The inner side of their wings is lined with brown-black scales. The wingspan of this amazing creature reaches 6 centimeters.

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Butterfly Admiral

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This beauty was once described by the Swedish naturalist Karl Linnaeus. This creation got its name due to the wide red stripes located on its wings. The fact is that exactly the same bright stripes adorned the trousers of the admirals of the Russian fleet. The Admiral butterfly can be found in Africa, New Zealand, North America, the islands of the Atlantic Ocean, Eurasia and Guatemala.

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how to properly install the screen for catching butterflies

This is an unusually beautiful creature with a wingspan of up to 6 centimeters. By itself, it is black. In addition to bright red "stripes" on its wings, there is a scattering that looks like stars. These are white spots. It is curious that these seemingly fragile wings can carry the Admiral butterfly over fairly long distances!

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Urania butterfly

This butterfly lives exclusively in Madagascar. They call it that - Urania Madagascar. The International Science Congress recognized her as one of the most beautiful butterflies in the world. In this she, without any doubt, was helped by the unique shape of the wings and their variegated color. For the first time this species of butterflies was described by the British scientist Drew Drury. Urania has a wingspan that is quite large for butterflies - from 7 to 11 centimeters.

Butterfly Atlas

These are the largest moths. Another name for the Atlas butterfly is Peacock Eye and Prince of Darkness. The front wings of this creature are curved so that they resemble a snake's head. It is immediately clear that Mother Nature took good care of this butterfly, endowing it with such a rare patronizing coloration that frightens off enemies. The wingspan of these huge creatures can reach 14 centimeters, and in some species it even reaches 28 centimeters!

Each wing of the Atlas butterfly is decorated with a discoid "eye" speck. Males of these representatives of Lepidoptera are more active than females. In addition, males have a phenomenal sense of smell, which allows them to search for their females at a distance of more than one kilometer by special pheromones that they emit.
