Likes are different, but representatives of any breed from this group belong to working, not decorative dogs, so this factor should be taken into account before purchasing them. Ideally, parents of puppies should have not only pedigree, but also evidence confirming their working qualities.

What are the likes
There are many known dog breeds that are included in this group: Karelian-Finnish (relatively small in size, but distinguished by unique working qualities - they even hunt bears with them), Russian-European, as well as West and East Siberian and a number of others. Recently, after the relevant decision of the FCI (International Cynological Federation, or FCI), Finnish Spitz were recognized as representatives of this group. Rather, at exhibitions now, both Karelian-Finnish huskies and the aforementioned Spitz are allowed into the same ring. Sometimes huskies include dogs bred by the aborigines of the American north - Alaskan Malamutes, Samoyeds, etc.
It is easy to see that all huskies, regardless of their color and size, have similar features - expressive eyes, a fluffy tail curled into an elastic ring, intelligence and energetic disposition, as well as a number of other signs of conformation and temperament.
Regardless of the species, all huskies are recognized hunting dogs, so they are not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders who do not have the habit of spending a lot of time in the woods tracking an animal or bird. However, breeders (owners of breeding dogs or owners of private kennels) usually very closely monitor who gets the puppy, trying to sell them to hunters or people living in the countryside or outside the city.
How to choose a real like
To buy a husky puppy, you can contact the kennel club and find out when the next offspring are expected. It is quite possible to directly contact the owner of a particular private kennel or a particular dog you like in order to get help when it will be possible to purchase a puppy. Many huskies breeders and enthusiasts of these breeds are happy to answer all questions related to their pets - both on specialized sites and at exhibitions, and even if they accidentally meet on the street with interested passers-by.
Puppies of any of the huskies must have documents - otherwise the dog cannot be considered a real representative of any breed. After the birth of the offspring, representatives of the club must come to the breeder for a standard examination of the puppies. Cynologists find out how newborn puppies meet the requirements of the breed standard, and also assess their health status. As a result, documents (a puppy passport, which can later be exchanged for a full-fledged pedigree) are issued only to puppies without so-called disqualifying defects (albinism, cryptorchidism, malformations, in some breeds - the wrong color, etc.). Thus, a puppy with a standard card issued by a club operating under the auspices of the ICF or RKF (Russian Cynological Organization) is a real, albeit tiny, husky.
For those who intend to hunt in the future and acquire a husky for this very purpose, it is very important to choose parents according to their working qualities. Likes, in addition to cynological exhibitions, at which their exterior is evaluated, take part in working trials. Their work is evaluated by experts, and based on the results, all participants are awarded a corresponding diploma. If the parents of puppies in the past have achieved good performance in this kind of checks, there is every chance that the puppy, with proper education, will eventually become a real hunting dog.