Owners of cats from time to time are forced to make more or less long trips with them. This could be a visit to the vet, a trip to a mating or show, or a move. Many animals are rocked in vehicles, which gives their owners a lot of inconvenience. Why is this happening, and how to deal with it?

Despite the external differences between people and their pets, in many ways they are still similar. Sometimes it is touching, and sometimes, when the baleen and tailed beasts are affected by the same ailments as their owners, it can be very sad. Often, pets that travel with their owners suffer from the so-called "seasickness".
Reasons why a cat is motion sick
How do you know if your pet is suffering from motion sickness? This is evidenced by a number of symptoms, which include profuse salivation, nausea and vomiting, and in some cases, diarrhea. If you notice that the cat does not tolerate car trips, then it is better to try not to take it with you or to keep such travel to a minimum.

Most often, a cat is rocked in a car due to the weakness of the vestibular apparatus of the animal, which is located in its inner ear. If the cause of your pet's "seasickness" is precisely this, then the cat becomes ill only when the car is moving, while during stops it is easier for him.

Other reasons why a cat is rocked in a car is intolerance to the smell of gasoline and strong gas pollution on the road. In this case, the only way out is not to carry the animal with you or use any other means of transport.

What to do if your cat is sick on the road

First of all, do not feed the animal on the day you have your trip. Then, perhaps, the cat will not vomit, and with severe salivation, you can wipe your pet's face with pre-prepared paper napkins.
In veterinary clinics and pet shops, you can buy special drugs that prevent attacks of "seasickness" in animals. These include "Meklitsin", "Beafar" and others. Do not give them to your cat without first consulting your veterinarian.
Sometimes the symptoms of car sickness in a cat are due to the stress of the trip. To avoid this, start giving your cat a homeopathic sedative, such as Fospasim, a couple of days before the trip. Calculate the exact dosage of the drug based on the weight of the animal. If all the symptoms arise precisely due to the stress caused by a change in the environment, then sedatives will allow you to get rid of them.
Some owners believe that if a cat has limited freedom of movement and vision - for example, it rides in a car, being in a special transportation bag - then it is less sick.