Cats are very clean creatures. When licked, they invariably swallow some of their own fur. As a rule, this does not cause problems in cats with short hair, but if your pet has a long coat, then you need to take care of the regular removal of hair from the stomach in order to avoid health problems.

It is necessary
- -special hairbrush;
- - shampoo for animals;
- -paste for removing wool;
- -cat mint.
Step 1
Excessive "eating" of wool most often occurs during the moulting period of the animal. Cat hair tends to build up in the stomach, which can lead to digestive problems, constipation and even gastrointestinal obstruction.

Step 2
In order to avoid the sad consequences, it is necessary to regularly care for the pet's coat. During the moulting period, comb the cat with special combs every day. At normal times, brush your cat's hair at least once or twice a week.

Step 3
In case of heavy shedding, you can do the following: wet the cat's fur, and then comb it with a comb. Then rinse the coat with regular zoo shampoo. This way you can mechanically remove a significant portion of the dead hair.

Step 4
A cat has a natural mechanism for getting rid of hair - regurgitation. Therefore, never scold this animal, because this is a physiological process that clears the stomach of wool balls.

Step 5
If you see that when washing your face, the animal continues to swallow a large amount of wool, then you need to purchase a special paste from the pet store, which is designed to dissolve the wool in the gastrointestinal tract. It should be used strictly according to the instructions.

Step 6
To prevent the accumulation of hair in the stomach, veterinarians recommend giving cats a special herb - catnip. Its seeds can be bought at the pet store or veterinary pharmacy, then planted in a pot and grown at home. Cats will love to feast on grass, which helps to cope with the problem of excess hair in the stomach.