Why Is The Cat Sad

Why Is The Cat Sad
Why Is The Cat Sad

If a usually playful and active animal suddenly changes its behavior abruptly, a good owner cannot fail to notice this. And having noticed, he will try to take measures so that his pet becomes cheerful and happy again.

Why is the cat sad
Why is the cat sad

If a cat has a sad look for a day already, she does not show interest in games, does not "hunt", does not arrange running and talking, but sadly sits in a corner, preferring not to be touched - most likely, the animal is sick. The animal is not able to complain, but according to some signs it can be understood that the cat's health is not all right and it needs help.

It is worth observing the behavior of the animal for several days without making hasty conclusions. Sometimes cats are simply “not in the mood” to play, they can react to changes in the weather - with the onset of cold weather they try to sit out in the warmth. And yet, some of the signs are clearly indicative of health problems.

Alarming symptoms

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how to measure a cat's temperature

- The cat refuses to eat, or eats very little. This happens when the animal's sexual instincts awaken. But if there are no specific signs of sexual desire, refusal to eat is an alarming symptom.

With the onset of sexual heat, the cat screams, lifts the back of the body, rolls on the floor, sometimes becomes more affectionate or, on the contrary, aggressive for no reason.

- The animal does not show hunting instincts: the cat does not try to play, does not react to rustling moving objects, etc.; the animal tries not to make unnecessary movements.

- The cat has ceased to "take care of itself": it does not lick itself, does not clean its coat.

- The body temperature is increased. Not every animal will allow you to measure body temperature with a thermometer, but taking the cat in your arms, you can feel that it is hotter than usual. The normal body temperature of a cat is 38 degrees Celsius.

A cat's body temperature can be measured by inserting a thermometer into the rectum.

- The stool has changed: it has become too liquid, an admixture of blood has appeared, or, on the contrary, there has been no stool for more than two days.

- The animal vomits. It is normal for cats, especially long-haired cats, to regurgitate hair that gets into the stomach as a result of licking. But if the cat vomits often, especially every time after she has eaten or drank, this is not normal.

With all these symptoms, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian - a specialist will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Why else can a cat be sad?

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how to bring down a high temperature from a cat

If the animal is healthy, but behaves unusually quietly, perhaps something has changed in the environment, and this is alarming him. Perhaps the cat is afraid of someone or something. Maybe a new tenant, a person or an animal has appeared in the house? Did the newcomer offend the furry pet?

Or maybe the cat was offended by the owner? Yes, it happens. Cats, although independent animals, are bored without society at all. She can be angry with the owner for several days if he left her alone for a long time.

In any case, if the cat is sad, it is worth giving her a little more affection and attention to her feline problems.
