Perhaps, as a civilized person, you wanted to buy a pedigree kitten with documents, but then, on the way to the stop, a squeaking miracle rushed at your feet, and your heart melted. The appearance of a cat in the house is always a joy. But still, there are a number of tips for what to do when bringing a kitten from the street.

Visit the veterinarian
First thing you need to do is take your new pet to a veterinary clinic. A seemingly healthy kitten can suffer from a number of health problems, not to mention the parasites that live on the fur and skin of kittens. The veterinarian will also determine the kitten's age and gender. In addition, your veterinarian will advise you on what to feed your animal, what hygiene procedures to do (for example, cleaning the ears, trimming the nails, etc.) and schedule the vaccinations. There, in the veterinary clinic, you can treat the kitten from fleas and ticks at first. For the first time, it is better to process a street animal with a veterinarian, since he will be able to carry out the treatment with the most potent agent, while not harming the animal. In the future, you will only need to carry out preventive treatments at home once every 1-2 months.
Going to the pet store
Leaving the cat for an hour or two in the care of veterinarians, you need to visit the pet store and prepare everything for the arrival of a new tenant of your house. Here's a shopping list:
- cat litter box;
- filler for the tray;
- cat sleeping place;
- scratching post;
- bowls for food and water;
- 5-7 cat toys;
- a brush for combing fur (do not take with iron teeth, as they tear the wool very much; it is better to opt for a brush with bristles);
- shampoo;
- collar;
- carrying;
- vitamins for kittens;
- spray "antigadin".
Getting to know home
Cats love to feel like masters. Having let the kitten into the house for the first time, let him look around and sniff, so to speak, scout the situation. For street cats it may be unusual for the first time to be in a closed space, but, as a rule, the feeling of discomfort disappears after a maximum of a month.
Watch the kitten. As a rule, cats themselves like to choose where to sleep and where to go to the toilet. If you notice that the cat has taken a closer look at a certain place, place his sleeping place there so that he knows that this is only his safe territory.
Now about going to the toilet. Cats are very clean by nature, they spend 80% of the day on grooming. So, it is quite logical that, having gone to the tray only once, the kitten will continue to fulfill its needs only there. But still protect yourself: treat all secluded corners, as well as the floor under the shoes with a special anti-gadin spray according to the instructions. Feline discharge is almost impossible to breed.
Feed the cat, thereby defining a place for him where he will feed in the future. There are two feeding patterns: when the cat has unlimited access to food and when food is served in portions on an hourly basis. Check with your veterinarian for the best meal plan to start with. And for heaven's sake, don't feed your kitten milk or fish. In fact, these products are contraindicated for cats. Replace milk with fermented baked milk and fish with boiled beef or chicken. Pork is also not allowed.
About games. Kittens are very playful until the 5-month period, so be prepared to spend a couple of hours a day playing with your pet so that he does not feel abandoned. Do not play with animal hands, as a grown-up cat, accustomed to throwing himself on his hands, can significantly injure you. Better buy a special stick with ropes or a ball at the end and play with it. If the cat continues to jump on its hands, get a special small spray bottle with water and every time during the next "attempt" spray the kitten's face with water. He will very soon begin to associate throws on arms or legs with unpleasant sensations.
And love your kitten. Don't scold him, it won't help anyway. Better, with kindness and affection, try to turn his behavior in the direction you want.