Many people, having met a homeless kitten on the street, cannot walk by and take him home. But in order for it to bring only joy to the new owners, the owners must follow some rules.

Step 1
If you picked up a street cat, you should not immediately carry it into the house, especially if there are small children or other animals there. After all, she may be sick with something. First, you need to visit a veterinarian with the cat to determine if the animal is healthy. The veterinarian will also give recommendations on the care of the kitten, prescribe the necessary vaccinations.
Step 2
In the event that the doctor has determined that the cat is completely healthy, you can bring it home. It is necessary to immediately wash the cat, preferably with a flea shampoo, even if for prevention purposes. Also, the animal must be given means against worms.
Step 3
Since the cat is used to living on the street, he will need time to adapt and get used to living in an apartment. You need to immediately show the kitten the place where his tray and bowls of food and water are located. It is worth learning how to feed your cat properly and purchasing suitable food, as well as toys.
Step 4
If the cat is fluffy, you will need a special comb. Regular brushing of your animal will remove hair that has accumulated on clothing and furniture. In the spring, when animals molt, the seal needs to be combed more often. A roller with duct tape will help remove wool from clothes.
Step 5
Also, it will not be superfluous to purchase a scratching post and accustom the cat to it. If it is not there, the animal may begin to spoil the wallpaper, furniture or carpets. To prevent the cat from doing this, you can spray them with a special spray. It is sold in pet stores and has a scent that repels cats.
Step 6
You should not let the cat close to outdoor shoes so that he does not catch the infection. It is also not recommended to let the cat go outside in the future. If you are going to do this, you need to regularly treat the animal from fleas, ticks and other parasites.