The horse is one of the most beautiful and graceful animals on the planet. It is not without reason that there are so many people who are ready to spend all their free time at the stable - caring for the horses, feeding them, just chatting and, of course, riding. But do not forget that, above all, this is a strong animal and can harm you with one careless movement.

Step 1
Horses are very shy, so never make sudden movements in the immediate vicinity. Also, do not intimidate the animal if someone is riding it. Many people like to joke in this way, but a rearing horse with a rider is not at all funny, for a person, especially an inexperienced person, it can end up with bruises and even fractures.

Step 2
Approach the horse only from the front, even if he knows you well. First, call her in an affectionate voice, then you can give a treat. At the same time, keep your palm open, the treat should lie on it. Do not offer a treat by picking it up with your fingers, the horse may bite.

Step 3
Put on the bridle, while trying not to hurt your ears, as some horses do not like this very much and can bite or reel (stand on their hind legs). When you insert the bit into your mouth, do not try to overcome the resistance of the horse - it can clench its teeth. Better to press with two fingers on the toothless part of the mouth - the animal will easily take the bit.

Step 4
When leaving the stall, be careful, if the door is not open enough or closes at the moment the horse passes, the animal may get frightened and rush. Okay, if backward, and with a sharp forward movement, the horse can knock you off your feet and cause serious injury.

Step 5
Along the aisle of the stable, lead the animal without stopping, holding the removed rein with one hand on the left side, and holding the bridle with the other (right). If the horse gets scared or just wants to kick up, then it can be easily restrained. Be sure to throw the stirrups over the saddle before leaving the stall so that they do not get caught on the door or on any other object. This can also scare the horse.

Step 6
Sit in the saddle only on the left side, and do not let go of the reins. Insert your leg into the stirrup and jerk onto the horse. Try to catch the second stirrup right away. Not all horses stand calmly at the same time, some try to rush forward or begin to "dance" on the spot (kick over with their feet). Therefore, it is important to hold the animal with a bridle.
Step 7
When riding a horse, there are unforeseen situations when the horse rears up, can bite the bit and carry, and even worse, tries to lie down directly with the rider. Therefore, it is important to quickly counter this. When the horse stops obeying and stands on its hind legs, loosen the rein and press against the horse, wrapping your arms around the neck, or just hold on to the mane. Give a message and make you go down. In no case do not lean back, under the influence of your weight, the horse may fall.
Step 8
There are times when the animal is frightened, or stubborn, and suffered, that is, does not respond to any commands, continuing a frantic jump. In this case, the most correct thing would be to let the horse run in a circle, lean back and, acting with the reins, shorten the circle. Gradually, the horse will fizzle out and calm down.
Step 9
If you see that the horse kicks with his hoof, while tilting his head, then most likely he wants to lie under the rider. This is very dangerous as the weight of the horse is heavy and can be injured. Raise the animal's head with the reins and give an energetic message to move forward. If the horse does lie down or fall while moving, then try to get ahead of this moment and free your legs from the stirrups earlier.
Step 10
When you are done with a vigorous horse ride, do not immediately give the tired horse a drink, as this can negatively affect his health. Bring in a stall, unsaddle, clean and give a good fragrant hay. After 2 hours, you can drink and pour selected oats into the feeder. When you say goodbye to your pet, be sure to treat her to a carrot or something else delicious.