How To Put A Sick Cat To Sleep

How To Put A Sick Cat To Sleep
How To Put A Sick Cat To Sleep

Putting a pet to sleep is a very difficult procedure in all aspects for the owner of the animal. The prevailing psychological factor here is the person's desire to save the pet from suffering. Any other case falls solely on the conscience of the owner. Today, cat euthanasia and all related activities can be entrusted to professionals.

How to put a sick cat to sleep
How to put a sick cat to sleep

Taking a little kitten into his own home, a person takes responsibility for the life of another creature. In the process of leaving, the owner becomes attached to the cat, takes care of it, monitors its health, and corrects its behavior. Time passes, and the cat or cat live their life to the limit. Age-related diseases, injuries, infections begin to cause them suffering, and nothing can help them.


Reasons for lulling

The indications for the euthanasia of a pet are the following diseases: oncology, trauma, incurable infections. The animal experiences suffering and is not able to conduct independent life activities.

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The grounds for euthanasia are considered: rabies in an obvious stage with the manifestation of symptoms and chronic diseases that cause suffering to the animal.

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Help in putting to sleep

In severe cases, the veterinarians themselves recommend that the sick and suffering cat be euthanized, which is a more humane solution than looking at the torment of the animal and prolonging its suffering. Large veterinary clinics themselves carry out the procedure for euthanasia, and then disposal or cremation of animals.

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After euthanasia, the body of a cat can be buried in special cemeteries for pets, disposed of at recycling plants for the disposal of bio-waste, or cremated in private crematoria, at the choice of the owner.

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There are organizations that only provide funeral services for pets, with special permission from the authorities.

Humane euthanasia

Before euthanasia, the cat is immersed in deep anesthesia, that is, brought into a state where its consciousness is completely "turned off". This step is required. For the introduction into deep anesthesia, analgesic drugs are used. Their task is to make the animal unconscious without blocking vital functions.

Only after immersion in a state of deep anesthesia are muscle relaxants introduced, which either interrupt the work of the heart or block the respiratory center.

Thus, euthanasia consists in setting two injections, and between the first and the second time must pass before the cat has time to fall into unconsciousness and not feel pain.

Professional veterinarians will never insist on the decision to euthanize an animal. They will allow the owners to think over the situation, as well as to diagnose the pet's health to other specialists and listen to the opposite opinion. You should never rush to put an animal to sleep.
