How To Keep A Rabbit At Home

How To Keep A Rabbit At Home
How To Keep A Rabbit At Home

The rabbit at home is a warm, fluffy, beautiful pet, rather unpretentious in food, as well as an unusual pet that will arouse the interest of guests. Naturally, any medal has two sides, and together with the rabbit, its owners receive responsibility for the pet and the troubles of raising and caring for it.

How to keep a rabbit at home
How to keep a rabbit at home

Before you get a rabbit

You need to answer a few questions for yourself:

1. Where will the pet live?

He needs a cage, preferably equipped with a toilet, a secluded house in which the rabbit can hide from strangers in case of an alarming situation, as well as a hay feeder.

The cage should be in a free, well-ventilated area, but not in a draft. The size of the cage must be at least 70 * 55 * 45 cm.

2. Who will be the responsible rabbit owner?

This person must take care of the state of the rabbit's cage on a daily basis, transferring his functions to other pets, if for some reason he cannot do it himself. In addition, the owner must regularly visit the veterinary hospital for a preventive examination of the rabbit and routine vaccinations.

3. Are you ready to take on this responsibility?

We are responsible for those we have tamed. You should not follow fashion or give in to your desires without assessing your responsibility and clearly weighing all the pros and cons.

How to choose a rabbit

There are many different breeds of decorative rabbits: from dwarf to quite large rabbits, from short-haired breeds to long-haired, with small ears or lop-eared.

You can always get quality advice from breeders or specialized stores. You can also study special breeder forums and even get a purebred rabbit for free, just in good hands.

The main thing is not to buy a pet in subway crossings, from random street vendors and in other "suspicious" places. In this case, you run the risk of getting a sick animal.

When the rabbit is at home

The adaptation period can take quite a long time. The pet must get used to the owner and the new place. Patience and love will help this process develop faster.

Treat your pet with treats, stroke like a kitty and talk to him, calling him by name.

Keep wires, wallpaper, and wood furniture away from your rabbit. A young rabbit will actively sharpen its teeth on these objects. And meeting with electrical wires is life-threatening for your pet.

Try to avoid a large crowd of people near the rabbit's cage, it is very scary for him.

During the vacation, it is advisable to agree with loved ones so that they visit the pet at your home, and not take the rabbit to a new house, a change of scenery is very difficult for these pets. If your vacation is short, up to 4 days, then you can safely leave your pet unattended, providing a good supply of water and hay.

Rabbits' teeth grow continuously, so they always need a hard material to grind them down. It is ideal to pick a branch from a tree and bring it to your pet.

In warmer months, you can walk with your rabbit for a walk in the park. The rabbit is carried in special carrying bags, like for cats, and in the park you can walk with him on a special leash. Be careful that your rabbit does not overeat the green grass, this can adversely affect its digestion.

Rabbits remember their owners well, they know where their cage is, and they can be trained to go to the toilet only in a certain place. Enjoy communicating with your pet and he will reciprocate you.
