How To Photograph A Dog

How To Photograph A Dog
How To Photograph A Dog

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Many dog owners are very proud of their four-legged beauties. They often tell their friends, acquaintances and colleagues at work about their dogs various interesting and incredible stories, brag about the awards of dogs at exhibitions and competitions. Some breeders even carry photographs of their pets with them. Of course, each of them would like only the dignity of the dog to be visible on the photo. To do this, a caring owner should know a few tricks about how to properly photograph a dog.

A successful photograph of a dog is the pride of its owner
A successful photograph of a dog is the pride of its owner


Step 1

The very first thing to remember when photographing a dog is a selection of a beautiful background. His tone should not merge with the color of the pet and contain any bright "extra" objects that will distract the viewer from the main character of the photo.


Step 2

Special attention should be paid to lighting. It is better to photograph the dog during the day, in the absence of a bright sun, which, by the way, should be behind the photographer's back when capturing the image of the pet. Make sure that the dog is evenly lit. Shadows from objects, foliage or trees around the animal can spoil the frame.

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Step 3

When photographing a dog, you should take as many frames as possible. Then, when looking at ready-made photos, you can always choose a couple of the most successful ones.

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The most beautiful cats

Step 4

It is not recommended to photograph a dark dog against a white wall. In such frames, it is the blinding background that will catch the eye, not the animal.

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Step 5

The well-groomed appearance of a long-haired dog in the photo can spoil the wind. Therefore, in order to successfully photograph a pet, you should choose clear calm weather or a home environment.

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Step 6

Before taking a picture of a dog, its appearance must be tidied up: smooth out its fur, clean its eyes, ears, claws, wipe off drool and hide the tip of the tongue, which dogs like to expose so much.

Step 7

For the upcoming photography, it is advisable to place the dog on a smooth, flat surface. Otherwise, the animal in the photo may turn out to be humpbacked.

Step 8

To successfully photograph a dog, its owner may need an assistant, whose task will be to distract the animal.

Step 9

Do not torment the dog with a long photo session. Otherwise, in the finished photographs, you will notice the sad face of the animal, half-closed eyes and strange lethargic poses.

Step 10

In addition to all this, the owner of the animal should try to photograph the dog so that it is in the center of the composition. Errors can be corrected when processing a photo by cutting off its unnecessary parts.

Step 11

Do not photograph your dog too close. Otherwise, in the photo, the closest part of the animal will turn out to be larger than the distant one, for example, the head will be unnaturally large, and the backside will be small.

Step 12

To find out the most successful posture of the dog, the animal should be photographed in all positions and angles: sitting, standing, from the side, from the front. Perhaps the main advantage of the dog will be its portrait.
