Amazing Facts About Chameleons

Amazing Facts About Chameleons
Amazing Facts About Chameleons

Chameleons, which are lizards, are known for an amazing feature - they are able to change their color so as to blend in with their environment as much as possible. This ability allows them not only to hunt successfully, but also to hide from enemies. It usually takes no more than 30 seconds for a reptile to change its color.


In recent years, it has become very popular to have various exotic animals at home as pets. The chameleon was no exception. However, the owners of this reptile should take into account the fact that chameleons are extremely slow, unhurried. Therefore, watching them live in a terrarium may not be very exciting. In addition, these lizards have naturally poor hearing, sometimes it even seems as if the chameleon hears absolutely nothing. Very keen vision compensates for this feature.

When a chameleon catches its prey with its tongue, it always closes its eyes. This is not a whim, but a protective reflex so as not to damage the eyes. Some more amazing facts about the sight and eyes of this reptile:

  • a chameleon is able to see the world in the ultraviolet spectrum;
  • reptile eyes are designed so that they can rotate in different directions;
  • these unusual animals do not have eyelids in the usual sense; their eyelids are fused, they have small holes through which the chameleon looks at the world;
  • the lizard is able to simultaneously look in two different directions, while not experiencing any discomfort.

It takes a chameleon literally a split second to catch its victim. It is believed that within 5 seconds a young reptile is able to catch and eat up to 4 insects. When a chameleon is hunting, he is completely focused and immobile. Sharp eyesight helps the lizard to see even the smallest prey at a distance of up to 10 meters.

When a chameleon senses danger, he freezes and begins to swell. At such moments, visually, it seems larger. To date, more than 160 species of these lizards are known, the maximum body length of which in a calm position can reach 60 centimeters. But the tongue of a reptile is even longer, often it is 2 times larger than the body in size. The smallest chameleon is only 3 centimeters in size.

Little chameleon
Little chameleon

Despite the fact that a chameleon is able to easily adapt to the environment, merging with it, in a sleeping state it cannot change its color. In addition, with the arrival of darkness, the color of the reptile becomes less saturated, which is why even a camouflaged chameleon is noticeable. Therefore, in the wild, lizards prefer to choose the most secluded places for spending the night, where predators will not reach them.

Curiously, it's not just the surroundings that affect the shade of the chameleon. When a reptile is frightened, nervous, hungry or thirsty, its color can change. If the animal is suddenly injured, sick or severely exhausted, its skin becomes brownish or even black.

Interesting fact: the very word "chameleon" has an ancient Greek origin. Its literal translation is "earthen lion".

There is a misconception that chameleons have horns. Of course, some species of reptiles have small horns, but they are present only in males.

Chameleons are not centenarians. Only representatives of certain species of these reptiles live for 10-20 years. Basically, the life span of a lizard is 1.5-2 years. During this time, the female can lay eggs several times. One clutch usually contains from 30 to 45 testicles.

In the wild, these unusual reptiles prefer to live in groups. They can gather in small flocks of 5-7 individuals. At home, a chameleon is quite capable of existing alone.
