Amazing Reptiles: Belt Tails

Amazing Reptiles: Belt Tails
Amazing Reptiles: Belt Tails

Among the amazing reptiles of the African continent and Madagascar, girdle tails can be distinguished. This type of living creature belongs to the order of the scaly suborder of lizards and the belt-tailed family.

Amazing reptiles: belt tails
Amazing reptiles: belt tails

Among the reptiles there are interesting lizards called belt-tails. Their size depends on the species and is from 12 to 70 cm. A special difference from other lizards is given to them by the presence of large scales, similar to plates. On the tail, it forms rings, due to which such a strange name was given to the animal. On the abdomen, the scales are smoother, on the back - well developed.

The girdle-tail lives in South Africa, or rather, in its arid terrain, some species are found in the mountains. It hides among rocks and boulders, among bushes, in the savannah. Actually, there are about seventy types of girdle tails. The body color is brown, from light to dark. Vision is well developed, there are usually five fingers on the paws, but there are species that do not have them.

Lizards of this species prefer a diurnal lifestyle, feed on invertebrates and insects, and sometimes try vegetation. Large males are able to hunt other lizards.

When the girdle tail senses danger, it curls up, gripping its tail with its teeth. Some species swell, while hiding in crevices.

They contain belt-tails and in captivity as pets. By about 3-4 years of age, puberty begins. Cubs are hatched for 4–5 months, after which they are born in an amount of 2 to 5 pieces. Some species of these lizards are oviparous. When keeping a house, it is recommended to keep several representatives of the species together, but it is desirable to have one male - they can show aggression. An ultraviolet lamp is hung over the terrarium and kept warm. Adult girdle tails are fed in 2-3 days, babies are immediately removed from their parents.
