A Mesmerizing Sight From The Natural World - Dolphin Games

A Mesmerizing Sight From The Natural World - Dolphin Games
A Mesmerizing Sight From The Natural World - Dolphin Games

Dolphins are some of the most amazing creatures of rivers, seas and oceans. They are not only some of the friendliest towards humans, but perhaps the most playful of animals.

A mesmerizing sight from the natural world - dolphin games
A mesmerizing sight from the natural world - dolphin games

Dolphins are some of the most amazing creatures of rivers, seas and oceans. Contrary to popular belief, they are not fish, but mammals. Therefore, from time to time they have to float to the surface of the land in order to replenish their oxygen reserves. And while on the surface, they very often try to get in touch with people, trying to get their attention and play with them. They are driven by curiosity and playfulness - the qualities of these amazing mammals, primarily noted by zoologists in aquariums.

Studies have shown that dolphins spend almost all of their free time from rest and eating. This trait appears in young dolphins already at the age of 2-3 weeks, when they try to join the game with adults or fish swimming by. This behavior, according to scientists, is due to the highly developed imitative activity in the first weeks and months. Grown up dolphins at the age of several months prefer to play with their peers, forming groups of several individuals for this. And often in such groups there may be "ringleaders" leading others along - just like people. Dolphins play alone rarely and little, almost always preferring to look for a partner.

In September of this year, the Ministry of the Environment of India recognized dolphins as full-fledged individuals and banned any attempts to restrict the freedom of these cetaceans, effectively leaving dolphinariums outlawed.

Dolphins, like mammals on land, have so-called "comic fights": young individuals can chase each other, lightly bite, pinch against the wall, without translating everything into the plane of real fights. Not surprising considering dolphins are predators.

Another similarity with land-based predators, especially felines, is playing with potential food, when fishes are mobile, which can be chased and teased, are of more interest to dolphins than the food already caught. Dolphins can play with objects, and here the organization of the process is closer to the human: fragments of coral or algae are transferred to their relatives with the help of a pectoral fin, and the dropped object is considered a loser and is “eliminated”. It is thanks to the ability of dolphins to play such games that one can train and teach new tricks.

Fun fact: Dolphins are one of two species (along with humans) that enjoy mating.

Upon reaching the age of 5 years in females and 10 years in males (numbers vary depending on the species), dolphins become ready to mate. The mating games of dolphins, in terms of the intricacy of their organization, are able to compete with those of great apes. First, the male finds the female, after which he “looks after” her from several days to several weeks. Dolphins alternately first chase each other at high speed, then swim along intricate trajectories, snuggling and stroking their partner. Sometimes males can try to hold the female with their teeth, which is one of the elements of the love game. In some species, males can even make gifts to females from coral debris or algae clumps. The female who received such a gift “carries” it with her for some time. Such romantic courtship is another indicator of the high cultural development of dolphins.
