Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky

Dogs of this breed are charismatic, have a piercing look and magnificent lush coat. Probably, there is not a single person on the planet who does not admire the sight of such a beautiful animal - like a wolf and a dog at the same time. Only a wolf will not give such a smile as a husky.

Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky

Husky dogs are independent, self-reliant, but at the same time friendly and kind to people. If the owner wants to control his dog at any time, he must be long and persistent in screaming. The dog is very mobile, requires frequent walks, active games and rather heavy loads. Without physical activity, she will become poorly controlled and will be too excitable, and aggression may appear in her behavior. Husky will suit a person with a strong character, otherwise she will prevail and lead the owner.


Husky care is simple. Sometimes it is necessary to comb out the shedding coat, and you need to bathe only if the dog is dirty. The most important moment in grooming is regular walks that tire the beast. The dog will quickly get tired if the owner is not too lazy to throw him a stick, a ball or other objects suitable for such games. Having enjoyed a long walk, the husky will become the most affectionate and calm pet.


They eat the same foods as other dogs. If the owner decided to feed the pet with ordinary natural food, then in no case should it be confused with dry food. Of course, it is easier and faster to give ready-made food, but having prepared food for your pet with your own hands, you will always have confidence in the quality and freshness of this food.
