Removal Of The Uterus And Ovaries In A Dog

Removal Of The Uterus And Ovaries In A Dog
Removal Of The Uterus And Ovaries In A Dog

The problem of homeless animals is quite acute, it is no secret that sometimes even those pets with a pedigree are thrown out into the street. Therefore, no less acute is the question of controlling the reproduction of cats and dogs not only living at home, but those who were born on the street. If you are not going to breed them, the most humane thing is to neuter the animal.

Removal of the uterus and ovaries in a dog
Removal of the uterus and ovaries in a dog

What is the neutering of bitches for?

The neutering of bitches is carried out both with the removal of only the ovaries, if the dog has not yet given birth, and with the simultaneous removal of the ovaries and uterus, if she already had puppies. Of course, this operation must be carried out out of humane considerations. First, reproduction is a natural and uncontrolled process by the animals themselves, which causes a lot of trouble for the owners.

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when can you spay your dog

During estrus, the bitch sometimes becomes uncontrollable and even aggressive, there are often cases when they just run away during the so-called "hunt", in order to return later and give birth to unplanned and non-pedigree puppies in a couple of months, which are very difficult to find owners. Various contraceptives that suppress ovulation in dogs cause hormonal disruptions and malignant tumors. Secondly, sterilization with removal of the uterus and ovaries is a radical prophylactic measure that completely excludes the occurrence of pyometra and transmissible sarcoma. In addition, the operation significantly reduces the risk of such dangerous diseases as oncology of the mammary glands, vagina and uterus.

When and how to spay a dog

If you are not planning puppies from your dog, spay it at an early age. Abroad, such operations are carried out in 4-5 months, but in this case, as a result of hormonal disorders, a distortion of the proportions inherent in the breed can be observed. Therefore, it is better to wait until the skeleton of the animal is formed, and do it a little later, but always before the first estrus. In this case, the risk of developing cancer is reduced 200 times. In the case when the operation is performed after 1, 5 years or after the first birth, the likelihood of oncology decreases only 4 times. At any age, neutering reduces the risks of many canine diseases.

How does cat neutering work?
How does cat neutering work?

The operation must be performed only in a veterinary clinic. If the bitch is in good health before the first estrus, it is enough to remove only the ovaries. The uterus of young bitches is removed for medical reasons, and for bitches that have given birth, this is highly recommended. Incompletely removed ovaries can degenerate into a malignant tumor, and the uterus left without ovaries often becomes inflamed.

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Before the operation, the dog needs to fast for 12-24 hours, but it is imperative to give the animal water to drink. The operation itself is carried out under general anesthesia, so pain shock does not threaten your pet. The operation lasts 30-50 minutes, depending on the weight and size of the animal.
