A wide variety of ingredients can be used in dry cat food. When buying food for animals, you should not choose the cheapest and most affordable options, focusing only on the manufacturer's fame.

On store shelves, dry pet food is presented in a wide variety. Often, cat owners get lost and cannot understand which of the food in bright packaging will be better and more useful. You can buy premium feed or save money and choose a cheaper option. But which option would be healthier for your pet?
Varieties of feed

To understand which of the food suits the cat more than others, an attentive owner will try to familiarize himself with the composition. Dry food for cats is divided into classes - premium, super-premium, economy. Of course, they differ greatly in composition.
If you want your cat to be healthy and full of energy, you should not buy food based only on its availability.
Economy class food (for example, "Whiskas", "Kitiket"), sold in supermarkets, is made from low-quality raw materials. The meat content in them is 4-6%. For the most part, these are offal, to which soy and low-grade cereals are added. Such feeds are supplemented with substances that are not useful for the feline body. In addition, from the regular use of such food in the body, there is a deficiency of amino acids and vitamins, due to which not only metabolism is disturbed, but also allergies can occur, digestion is upset, and other health problems are not excluded.
Premium food is slightly better in terms of quality. In the manufacture of such food, good products are selected. The meat products in the feed are used as the main source of protein. Since the body absorbs these foods much better, there will be less undigested waste. The meat content is 10-20%.
Super premium food (Royal Canin). Here, the composition is perfectly balanced, the nutritional value is very high, the body of cats assimilates such food just fine. High-quality components are selected for production - these are meat of turkey, chicken, lamb, eggs, cereals. These feeds do not contain synthetic additives, and meat makes up most of them.
Take a closer look at the composition that is indicated on the package - among the ingredients there may be not only useless, but also frankly harmful.
Why you shouldn't feed your cat with cheap "economy" food

The owners, of course, select the pet's diet on their own, but several important points should be taken into account. The content of grains in the food does not benefit the feline body, since they hardly absorb this component. Despite the fact that the physiological needs of cats are not met by such food, they willingly eat large amounts of such food - they are attracted by flavorings and aromas.