What Are The Standards For The Yorkshire Terrier Breed

What Are The Standards For The Yorkshire Terrier Breed
What Are The Standards For The Yorkshire Terrier Breed

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Yorkshire Terriers are known for their beautiful silk attire and petite size. Large and expressive eyes also do not leave many indifferent. However, the official breed standard contains many strict requirements for dogs that apply for the title of Yorkshire Terrier.

What are the standards for the Yorkshire Terrier breed
What are the standards for the Yorkshire Terrier breed


Step 1

According to the standard, the weight of adult dogs should not exceed 3.1 kilograms, ideally 2-3 kilograms. The minimum frame of growth (height of the dog at the withers), as well as the weight, are not indicated in official documents. At the same time, among Russian breeders, an unofficial classification is widespread, depending on the size of the dogs: individuals that weigh up to one and a half kilograms in adulthood are referred to as the so-called "micro" or "super-mini", the "mini" group includes those whose weight ranges from one and a half to 2.1 kilograms. Those dogs weighing from 2, 1 to 3, 1 kilograms are called "standard".

Step 2

The color of Yorkshire Terriers is varied, in particular, a fairly dark steel-blue (but not silver-blue), which should extend from the occiput to the base of the dog's tail. Impurities or inclusions of yellow-brown, bronze or dark brown shades are not allowed. On the chest, the coat should be a deep red-brown color, while all hair of this shade at the roots should be darker, lighter towards the middle and towards the ends.

Step 3

The official breed standard contains quite a lot of requirements for the coat: on the body, it should reach medium length and be completely straight without a hint of waviness, as well as shiny and silky. On the head, the hair is longer, with a rich golden color of a red-brown hue. It is noted that the intensity of the color increases on the sides of the head and at the base of the ears, as well as on the dog's face, where the coat is longer. However, the reddish-brown coat should not extend to the neck. Impurities or blotches of gray or black hair are undesirable.

Step 4

The legs of Yorkshire Terriers are well covered with hair, which has a golden and reddish brown tint. However, the ends of the hair are lighter than the roots. The reddish brown tint should not be present above the elbows and knees of the dog's paws. The ears are covered with short, deep reddish-brown hair. The tail of the Yorkshire also covers abundantly the blue color, which is darker than on the body. The color of the coat, which intensifies towards the end of the tail, should be darker than on the body of the dog.

Step 5

The disadvantages due to which at a dog show can significantly (depending on the severity of a particular defect) humiliate the assessment are:

- weight and height beyond the scope of the standard;

- a massive head with an overly rounded or convex skull, a disproportionate muzzle and a smooth transition from forehead to muzzle;

- lack of two or more teeth on one of the jaws;

- round and too large eyes, poorly pigmented eyelids;

- ears that are too large or set too far;

- excessively short or long, massive or thin neck;

- too stretched or massive body, sloping croup;

- limbs turned inward or outward, having poor articulation angles;

- low tail.

Depending on the severity, they risk getting a poor mark in the ring with wavy, curly or tow-like hair or gray, silver or black (in dogs that have reached adulthood). Too pale markings are also undesirable.

Step 6

In accordance with the official breed standard, disqualifying faults in Yorkshire Terriers include:

- malocclusion, drooping or semi-drooping ears (changes were introduced during the revision of the standard in 1989, earlier semi-drooping ears were quite acceptable), not overgrown fontanelle, non-standard color, in males - cryptorchidism.
