Features Of Keeping Chinchillas

Features Of Keeping Chinchillas
Features Of Keeping Chinchillas

The exotic animal chinchilla is gaining more and more popularity among animal lovers. Its content must be approached responsibly. It is enough to know a few simple rules that will help you keep this amazing species.


Chinchilla is an active animal, prefers to stay awake in the evening and at night. The cage needs a spacious and high one. It contains wooden shelves, a house, a hammock for relaxation and a large running wheel.

The room temperature should be no higher than 25 degrees. If the room is too hot, the animal may die, so chinchilla owners install an air conditioner.

Instead of a cage, you can use a large showcase - there is less noise and debris does not scatter around the room.

Herbal granulate with the addition of a small amount of grain, dried vegetables and berries is used as the basis for the feed. For chinchillas, hay is a must in the diet - it is important for digestion and proper grinding of teeth.

Fresh grass, vegetables and fruits are not recommended for these animals, so as not to have an upset stomach. Nuts and raisins are given very rarely and in single quantities, they cause liver disease.

The chinchilla cleans its soft and delicate fur with fine sand. It is better to buy it at a pet store, the river will not work. In no case should you bathe an animal in water.

The lifespan of chinchillas is up to 15 years. Pregnancy 111 days. Pairs are created carefully, under the supervision of the owner - unfamiliar animals sometimes show aggression towards each other, especially females.