Gamavit For Cats: Indications And Methods Of Application

Gamavit For Cats: Indications And Methods Of Application
Gamavit For Cats: Indications And Methods Of Application

Gamavit is a unique medicine for pets that constantly helps caring owners. This Russian drug is used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in cats.

Gamavit for your cat
Gamavit for your cat

"Gamavit" helps even with the systemic treatment of especially severe diseases of domestic animals. Naturally "Gamavit" has certain analogues. But it is better to use proven means.

Indications for use

The action of this drug affects many processes in the body of cats. It is actively used for the prevention and treatment of hypervitaminosis and allergies, infectious and invasive diseases. The drug is recommended for use in weakened and old pets, as well as in the postoperative period. Gamavit is not only able to optimize the functioning of the immune system and the digestive process, but also to increase fertility. The drug tones up the work of the whole body of the animal.

The composition of this preparation contains vitamins, plant substances, salt solutions and other components. No noticeable complications have ever been observed after taking this medication.

Methods of using "Gamavit"

In some cases, cat owners may doubt that “Gamavit can be used without a doctor's prescription. However, this is exactly the case. The recipe is only required in rare situations. But depending on the specific situation, the dosage of the drug can be completely different. This must be considered if you want your cat to be healthy.

If you use the drug "Gamavit" for prophylactic purposes or in the postoperative period, it is recommended to inject it one to three times a week. The course can last from spirit weeks to one month, depending on the condition of your cat's body.

To increase the ability of a pet to fertilize, it will need a dose of 0.5 ml / kg. Moreover, it is necessary to give a dose on the day when fertilization will be carried out. If you plan to cure your cat of an infectious disease, you should consult your doctor for the optimal dosage. Make sure the syringe is sterile before injecting. It is best to use insulin syringes to administer this drug. Never wet your cat's skin with alcohol. This can lead to allergies.

The specified drug for cats has certain analogues. But still "Gamavit" is the most inexpensive and effective remedy. If in doubt, you can always get expert advice.
