How To Bring Down A Cat's Temperature

How To Bring Down A Cat's Temperature
How To Bring Down A Cat's Temperature

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Normal feline body temperature is 38, 2-38, 9 degrees. If it has risen to 39, 4 and higher, it is necessary to find out the reason and lower the temperature to normal. Special pills, drops and ointments prescribed by a veterinarian will help to bring down the fever in a cat.

It is necessary

a towel, not dry food, medicines in the form of drops, ointments or tablets


Step 1

Measuring body temperature is an unpleasant procedure for a cat. And the subsequent swallowing of pills or drops also does not cause joy in mustachioed pets. If the veterinarian advised to bring down the temperature with a pill, then it is better to disguise it by mixing it with non-dry food. But the cat is not so easy to outwit - she can rather lick her lips, thanks to the owners for another breakfast, and the pill will remain at the bottom of the empty feeder.

Step 2

Like tablets, medicated drops do not make a sick cat happy. But you can try putting a drop or two in her mouth. To do this, wrap the fluffy patient in a towel, sit on your knees with the muzzle away from you, lift the cat's head, open your mouth slightly by pressing your fingers on the sides on both sides, and pour in a couple of drops through a syringe without a needle or from a pipette. Close your cat's mouth and wait, stroking her neck until you feel that the cat has swallowed. A sure sign of this is licking and snorting.

Step 3

The cat may spit out the medication or, much worse, choke on it. If the first two steps did not help, outwit the capricious pet by smearing the medicine on the nose or paws. The cat will definitely lick it.
