Urolithiasis is a serious disease that often affects cats of all breeds. It is expressed in metabolic disorders in the animal's body and is accompanied by inflammation of the genitourinary system, the formation of kidney stones and urethra. In the absence of proper treatment, it can be fatal.

Urolithiasis in cats occurs as a result of malnutrition, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract, hormonal imbalance in the body, anatomical features of the urethral canal or pathology of the digestive tract. This disease can also be the result of a sedentary lifestyle or be hereditary.
As soon as the cat begins to behave restlessly, suffer from a lack of appetite and often go to the toilet, while experiencing painful sensations, it is necessary to contact the veterinarian immediately. If this is not done, the disease will progress, blood will appear in the urine, convulsions will begin, vomiting and the cat may die from dehydration.
An independent choice of treatment for urolithiasis can lead to negative consequences, since only a doctor can correctly prescribe drugs, based on what type of stones are present in the animal's body - struvite or oxalates. And this can be done only after a blood and urine test.
Treatment of this disease is individual and is aimed at relieving pain, renal colic and relieving the inflammatory process. Usually prescribed antispasmodics and antibiotics ("Gentamicin", "Disparkam" and others). If there is no urination, catheterization is done. Also used homeopathic remedies, for example, "Apis", "Magnesia", "Kantaris" and others. It is useful to give the cat decoctions of herbs and plants such as plantain, lingonberry (leaves), bearberry.
In the treatment of urolithiasis, great importance is attached to the diet, which consists in the consumption of plant-based feed (porridge) and dairy products. Veterinarians often recommend excluding dry food, meat and fish from the animal's diet.
Acute urolithiasis often turns into a chronic disease. Therefore, in order to exclude its recurrence, prevention of the disease should be carried out. It includes the correct selection of food, necessarily enriched with vitamins, an active lifestyle, drinking plenty of water and reducing the excess weight of the cat.