How To Keep Goldfish

How To Keep Goldfish
How To Keep Goldfish

Goldfish is a subspecies of silver carp. She got her name because of the color. The main part of the fish's body and fins are golden red in color. There are a large number of varieties of goldfish in the world, they are the favorites of aquarists.

How to keep goldfish
How to keep goldfish

In order to get goldfish, you need to decide on the choice of a spacious aquarium. Each goldfish should have at least 10 liters of water, and ideally 50 liters. The aquarium should be rinsed well and the water changed regularly. The water should be at room temperature.

Coarse soil is suitable - pebbles or gravel. Plants for the aquarium should be chosen with a strong root system so that the fish do not dig them up. Goldfish love to dig in soil and plants, thereby picking up dirt from the bottom. Therefore, for their correct content, internal and external filters are needed to purify water. It is also good to place a compressor and a siphon in the aquarium.

To keep goldfish healthy, it is important to monitor their diet. They should be fed twice a day, in small portions. It is better to underfeed fish than overfeed. To do this, you can use several types of food for goldfish. In particular, live (bloodworm, daphnia, earthworms), vegetable (soft leaves of plants - duckweed, riccia, parsley, dill). You can even feed goldfish with bread. Regular store-bought fish food is also used.

Small catfish can be placed in an aquarium for scrofula. They will get along well and will act as aquarium glass cleaners, plants or artificial decorations inside a water tank.
