The feline family includes various types of wild animals. Basically, these are predators that amaze with their color, grace and splendor. Unfortunately, many of the rare members of this family are at the stage of extinction.

Representatives of the feline family belong to mammals of the order of carnivores. The family has a history of several tens of millions of years, and its representatives are widespread almost throughout the entire planet Earth. The only exceptions are Antarctica and Australia.
The prominent representatives of this family include such predators as the lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, puma, snow leopard and cheetah.
Scientists distinguish between African and Asian lion. The difference between these animals can be observed visually. These representatives are large and heavy. So, for example, a male weighs in the region of 200 kilograms with a very impressive length. The female is slightly smaller in size.
Another large representative of the Feline family is the tiger. The weight of one individual can be about 300 kilograms. The tiger is popular for its bright and colorful coloration. A very rare and popular representative of this animal is the white tiger, which is on the verge of extinction.
An equally large animal is the leopard. This feline is known for its fast movement. So, the running speed of a leopard can reach close to 75 km / h. Only the lion and the cheetah are advancing the leopard on this indicator. The animal is distinguished by its interesting coloration, where black spots are carelessly scattered on a yellow background.
The cheetah is somewhat similar in appearance to a leopard, but it is somewhat smaller in size. The movement speed of the cheetah is also very high. This animal holds the record for short distances.
Jaguars, cougars, panthers are very beautiful animals - all of them are bright representatives of the feline family.