What Does Lichen Look Like In Dogs?

What Does Lichen Look Like In Dogs?
What Does Lichen Look Like In Dogs?

Often, dog owners notice that hair begins to fall out from their pet in patches. Hair loss spots turn red, fester and itch a lot. Perhaps your pet has contracted a contagious disease called lichen, or, scientifically, trichophytosis or microsporia. Trichophytosis and microsporia differ from each other in some of the symptoms and fungi that cause these diseases. These diseases are similar to skin allergies, so it is important to recognize them at the first sign.

What does lichen look like in dogs?
What does lichen look like in dogs?

Lichen symptoms

Knowing how lichen in dogs manifests itself is important, because this disease is dangerous not only for animals that live with an infected dog, but also for humans.

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Lichen is an infectious inflammatory disease. It manifests itself in skin pigmentation and severe itching. The incubation period, when symptoms are not yet visible, can last from 5 to 20 days.

The causative agent of this contagious disease will be microscopic fungi, the spores of which get on the dry skin of the dog and grow into it. Inside the dermis, spores multiply rapidly, and the animal's body responds to this process with inflammation.

signs of lichen in dogs
signs of lichen in dogs

Microsporia is caused by a fungus of the species Microstropium canis, and it is characterized by such symptoms as:

- dry dog fur, which begins to fall off;

- the appearance of hairless areas of the skin;

- white bloom at the base of the hair;

- red, inflamed skin on bare areas that flakes;

- itching of the affected areas.

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lichen in konf

Trichophytosis is slightly different in symptoms, but this is also a type of lichen. It is caused by the fungus Trichophyton mentagroghytes. Its symptoms:

- fur falls out in places;

- Hairless areas of the skin turn red over time;

- the affected areas are covered with a brown scaly crust;

- these areas increase in size and often merge into one;

- the dog is constantly itching.

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The boundaries of lichen are clearly defined. Only that part of the skin where there is no hair is always affected. Lichen most often affects the head and neck of the dog, then it goes to the base of the tail and limbs. Sometimes neglected forms of lichen can be found on the abdomen and on the nose.

I deprive small and old animals more susceptible; immunocompromised animals. If your dog spends a lot of time outdoors alone, then he is also at risk.

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How to treat lichen

To successfully treat shingles, first limit your dog's contact with people and other animals. The veterinarian, having examined the dog, will immediately prescribe the necessary treatment. Most often, lichen treatment takes place in several stages.

First of all, the doctor prescribes an antifungal vaccine, then antimicrobial agents (ointments and sprays). It is important to treat your wounds with an antiseptic every day. After the ointments, the doctor may prescribe additional immunomodulators to restore the dog's immunity.

Wet cleaning the apartment should be daily so that fungal spores do not infect the dog again. Disinfect the dog's bed, bowl, toys; wash your carpet and any areas where your dog likes to lie. Wash your hands every time you touch an infectious dog.

Lichen prophylaxis

For the prevention of lichen, there is a special vaccination that needs to be done periodically. But many owners do not want to vaccinate the dog against this disease. They hope that the infection will bypass their pet. Of course, now lichen is quickly and easily treated, but it is more pleasant to prevent the disease than to engage in treatment.

Deprive may not appear in an infected dog, but the dog then becomes its carrier. The dog as a carrier of the disease will infect all weakened animals. She herself can get sick if the body also weakens.
