How To Name A Dachshund

How To Name A Dachshund
How To Name A Dachshund

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This funny short-legged dachshund is a great friend and companion. Her unusual appearance and cheerful disposition always attract the attention of passers-by. Of course, such a pet also needs an appropriate name - original, memorable and not too pretentious.

How to name a dachshund
How to name a dachshund


Step 1

If you bought a purebred puppy, ask the owners of the kennel what letter the nickname should start with. Some owners simply add the desired letter or syllable starting with it to the already invented name.

Step 2

When choosing a nickname, think about how it will sound in an abbreviated version. Most likely, you will begin to call Leorica simply Rika, and Barbarossa - Barbie or Barbos. The quick-witted dog will soon realize that all of this applies to him and will respond to variations of his name with the same enthusiasm.

Step 3

When looking for a name, keep a notebook close at hand, where you write down any interesting ideas that come to mind. Flip through dog magazines, remember your favorite movies. Perhaps they will give you an interesting idea. Despite the fact that the dachshund looks very funny, humorous nicknames do not suit her. The little beast is full of dignity and has a peculiar charm.

Step 4

English and French names are very suitable for dachshunds - after all, this dog has a completely "foreign" appearance. Find a nice-sounding and not too long word or proper name. François or Jeanette, George or Alice - the dog should like these names.

Step 5

When coming up with a nickname, ask friends and acquaintances for help. Of course, it is possible that you will not like most of the proposed options. But among a couple of dozen comic and strange names, very successful finds can come across.

Step 6

Don't give your dog a name that you overheard on the dog playground. Most likely, your pet will have a lot of namesakes. The same applies to nicknames based on popular television series. You'd better remember the classics. Call your pet Falstaff, Isolde or Ulysses - such a nickname for a dachshund is quite suitable, besides, it will reveal not only your taste, but also the level of education.

Step 7

Having picked up a nickname and having received the approval of all family members, try to quickly pronounce the chosen word several times. You shouldn't have any trouble getting confused in letters and syllables, and the resulting tongue twister shouldn't sound funny. Dachshund is a wayward dog who loves independent walks. You will have to call her often and the nickname should sound dignified.
